dissabte, 19 de desembre del 2009
2ndbatx B, Tuesday 22nd December 09
First, we'll check passive sentences to see if you have understood the contents of unit 6.
Click here and now check them with these exercises: 1, 2, 3.
Next, you can check general knowledge with this revision exercise(conjuctions) and this other exercise (read the theory and do the next exercise)
Phonetics: you can practise with these exercises: 1, 2, 3
Now it's time to do some christmas activities. 1, 2, 3(memory game. Try to do it in no more than 30 seconds.)
If you want, in you tube you can find different versions of christmas carols. I recommend you one of Eminem.
For those who have problems when organizing paragraphs in compositions I recommend you to go to this web: www.english-zone.com , select the `writing zone´ and read the section of `paragraph writing´trying to practise with the tasks given.
It's time to go. I hope you:
Have nice Christmas holidays. See you next year.
dimarts, 15 de desembre del 2009
2nd F/2nd G Thursday 17th/Friday 18th December 09
The last 15 minutes you can do these christmas activities: 1, 2 ( vocabulary+1st exercise moving the arrow ahead).
activity 3. Some games related with christmas.
Now, this is a web where you can find ideas to print your own calendar for the new year if you want. Choose a topic and try to do it at home. Have a nice weekend. See you next week in class.
1sc Wednesday 16th December 09
Els qui ja ho feren, poden fer aquestes altres activitats: 1, 2, 3
Now, it's time to do some christmas activities

1, 2, 3, 4, 5(copy 8 of these words and meanings in your notebook/ optional).
Es hora d'escoltar una coneguda nadalenca. Click here .
Una nadalenca en video
To finish a cartoon christmas video. Que ho disfruteu. See you next year in the computers room.
dimarts, 8 de desembre del 2009
2nd F Thursday 10th Dec/2nd G Friday 11th Dec. 09
We are going to start with comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.
- First, copy the rules in your notebook adding an example for each rule.
- Then , do the exercise of `test your knowledge´ in the same web and in the section of `More Activities´ do the one on `comparative adjectives´, `superlative adjectives´ and the first on `comparatives´. Ok. We leave it now. We'll follow next week.
It's time to start a mini project using the web. The title is `That's a fantastic song´.

You have to search for a song in the web, in English, of course. Follow these instructions:
- Copy the lyrics starting a `word document´/ open office document. ( keep it in the folder `Formació/Alumnes/ ) or keep it in your pen-drive if you have taken it.
- Add some information about the band or singer who sings this song, the title of the song,
- why you like it. Explain your reasons and opinion.
- key words or expressions translated into Spanish or Catalan
- 5 pictures of symbols or things that are essential in the song.( you can draw them or find images in the web and insert them in your document)
If you can't finish it this week, next week you'll have some time to do it. Enjoy the activity!
1st Eso, split lesson 9th November 09
Recordau anotar al quadernet un comentari de cada exercici (problemes, puntuació, dubtes,...)
Revision verb to be/have got: 1, 2.
Possessive `s/possessive adjectives : 1. 2.
Present simple: 1 ( llegeix les explicacions. Copia al quadern la forma negativa i interrogativa. Mira el video i fes els sis exercicis. )
Ara passem a un contingut cultural The Great Britain.
Ves a aquesta web. Mira atentament el mapa de les Illes Britàniques i contesta les preguntes dels exercicis. Copia al quadern aquestes preguntes. Ara consulta també aquesta altra web i podras trobar les respostes. Escriu-les a continuació de les preguntes:
a) Which countries are part of the United Kingdom and which are their capital cities?
b) Which countries are part of Great Britain?
c) Is Great Britain the same as the United Kingdom?Explain it.
d) Where is the United Kingdom?
e) What colours has got the UK flag? What is its name?
Si et sobra temps pots triar algun joc d'aquesta mateixa web
o fer una d'aquestes activitats de vocabulari: 1 (hangman on numbers), 2 ( Alien Quest).
That's all folks! See you next week.
diumenge, 6 de desembre del 2009
Halloween activities we did this year.
Chocolate biscuits
1 egg
100/125 grams of margarine or butter
100 grams of sugar
3 or 4 tablespoons of milk
40 grams of cocoa powder
185 grams of plain flour
half teaspooon of baking powder(optional)
Optional: nuts, cinnamon, vanilla extract...
Preparation: put the margarine in the microwaves oven for 30 seconds .Next, add the sugar to the margarine. After that, add the egg and the other ingredients mixing them together for some minutes. Then, using two spoons put the pastry on a large dish or bowl separating the different biscuits a bit. You can decorate them if you want. The oven must be turned on some minutes before and when you put the biscuits in the oven, the temperature will be more or less 200/180grades for about ten minutes. The last two minutes, if necessary, the oven will be at 160 grades.
diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2009
2nd Batxiller B, Tuesday 1st December 09
In the next web you can practise conditional sentences and also passive sentences:
Exercises on conditionals: 1( do the exercises 3 and 4 and also the exercises on passive 1 and 2),
Next, you can use this web to do exercises with `I wish`, conditionals and passive (exerc 1 and 2) and any other contents you want to reinforce.
Web: http://www.bergen.edu/library/learning/english/grtopics.html
It's time to start with phonetics. Have a look at this web:
http://www.ompersonal.com.ar/omphonetics/contenidotematico.htm. Write down the different vocalic sounds and add some examples of each.
That's all for today.
4th B Eso, Monday 30th November 09
Choose one of these possibilities. Copy the questions and answers in a sheet of paper and give it to the teacher at the end of the class.
First option( Thanksgiving, an American festivity)
Second option ( a trip to London)
Third option (what do you know about love?)
Fourth option ( Braveheart)
If you have extra time you can do these activities: 1, 2, 3.
Enjoy the session.
diumenge, 15 de novembre del 2009
1st Eso C, Wednesday 18th November 09
Present simple: Mira el video atentament.
Ara escriu al quadern cinc frases sobre coses que fas tu durant la setmana i cinc frases més sobre algú de la teva família.
Ves a aquesta web i fes els exercicis telling the time, els dels mesos (1,2) i els de grammar (1,2,3).
Reading comprehension: 1 (escriu les respostes al teu quadern).
Si te sobra temps pots fer aquestes activitats extra: 1, 2.
Thursday 19th nov 2ndF/ Fri. 20th Nov 2ndG 2009
Present simple vs present continuous: 1, 2 (copia dos exercicis del test al quadern), 3
Present continuous. Look at this video. What's happening? Write at least 5 sentences about what's happening in 4 of these different situations. Use the present continuous form.
Descriptions: 1 (copy two of the descriptions in your notebook and the missing words in the song), 2(fes l'apartat de vocabulary, reading and the game. Copia les paraules de descripció noves al quadern).
Revision activities and funny activities if you have time: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
That's all for today. folks. See you next week.
diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2009
4th Eso B/ Monday 16th November
You'll have to use your notebook. Write the date and the name of the activity.
past simple vs past continuous: 1, 2, 3.
Used to: 1, 2
Vocabulary: 1 ( the city and the country. Copy two columns in your notebook and distribute the different words and phrases in the suitable column), 2 (personality adjectives wordsearch)
Reading comprehension: 1,( write the answers to the questions in your notebook), 2 , 3 (complete the activities :listenig comprehension/interview) and send it to the teacher.
Other activities: 1(crossword on adjectives, opposites), 2
1st C, Wednesday 11th November
Copy the questions and answers in a sheet of paper and give it to your teacher at the end of the class.
This is the treasure hunt for you. You'll learn new and interesting aspects.
Recorda donar la tasca al professor al final de la nota, ja que posaré una nota sobre l'activitat feta.
See you next week.
2nd Eso F/ Thursday 12th November
Choose one of these treasure hunts .
Write the questions and answers in your notebook:
Treasure hunt . Justin Timberlake.
Treasure hunt. Michael Jackson.
When you finish give the activity to your teacher to be corrected.
Any time left, go to this web to do the activities on present continuous.
That's all for today. See you next week.
4th eso B. Monday 9th November 09
1. The UK.
2. Travelling to English speaking countries. Images and information.
3 Information on different aspects of the UK.
4. Select the country you need. You can find photos and information to help you tomorrow in your oral outcome.
Now, do the different quizzes based on the information learnt here and in class last day:
Questions to answer:
Answer the following questions in the quizzes.
Write notes on your notebook about the information in the quizzes.
It's time to work on some English aspects. Choose three of the headings here and write a short text (75-100 words) in your notebook about it.
Now, have a look at a video where English people answer a questionnaire about English language and culture. That's all for today.
English speaking countries.
First, to start, search in this web the different English speaking countries that are in the different continents. Write in your notebook a list with a minimum of two or three of them of each continent.
Next, choose one to work on it. You may find information in these webs:
wikipedia, english speaking countries information on geography, more information on significant countries, this web about tourist sites in different countries.
Information on UK countries.
ow work on your project with your classmate. Ask any doubt to the teacher. Remember not to copy from Internet, use it only to find information.
Actions happening now/ Sessió PDI
Passarem a aquest altre enllaç on trobem la formació del present continuu. Farem l'exercici que hi surt i continuarem amb més pràctica sobre les frases . Diferents alumnes completaran les frases afirmatives. Ara passem a les negatives i a les interrogatives.
Fem un exercici amb dibuixos i short answers.
Passem a fer unes activitats lúdiques:
video de you tube ( The Simpsons explain you the form and use of present continuous)
Activity 2: puzzle (game on present continuous).
2nd F. Thursday 12th November 09
dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2009
Thursday 5th Nov, Friday 6th Nov. 2nd F/2nd G
Next, do the activities on present continuous that are here
During the session you will be called to do the oral exam. Don't get nervous and do your best.
Remember to write in your notebook the date, this heading: computer's room session and the reading comprehension questions and answers.
Any time left, you can do this activity on clothes
See you next week and learn a lot.
Wednesday 4th November. 1stC
Important: recorda escriure al quadern la data d'avui i Computer's room session perque sino a l'hora de corregir el quaden és un embolic per mi.
Si et sobra temps pots fer aquesta activitat.(els mesos.joc tipus tetrik).
Això és tot per avui. See you next week.
dissabte, 31 d’octubre del 2009
Chocolate biscuits
1 egg
100/125 grams of margarine or butter
100 grams of sugar
3 or 4 tablespoons of milk
40 grams of cocoa powder
185 grams of plain flour
half teaspooon of baking powder(optional)
Optional: nuts, cinnamon, vanilla extract...
diumenge, 25 d’octubre del 2009
2nd F, 2nd G, 29th / 30th October 09
To start with, you can practise some contents of unit 2:
Present continuous: 1, ( ves adalt a l'esquerra, a la pàgina de l'IES Politècnic, cerca el nivell de 2n d'Eso , la unitat 2 i fes els dos primers exercicis de present continuous).
Ara repassa amb aquests exercicis: objects pronouns (copia tres frases al quadern), present simple (copia cinc preguntes i respostes al quadern).
Passam a les activitats de Halloween:quiz , links+video,( to learn a bit more about Halloween) scary trailers (have a look at some of them and write your opinion on one of them), hangman and some recipes.
That's all for today. I hope you've enjoyed the session. See you next week.
Wednesday, 28th October, 1stC/ Wednesday
Activitats a fer: 1 ( ves adalt a l'esquerra a la pàgina del politècnic, ves a 1er d'eso al tema 1 i practica dos exercicis de majúscules. Al tema dos practica tots els continguts que hi ha, al menys tres exercicis de cada escrivint una frase de cada exercici al quadern. Recorda escriure la data d'avui, el nombre de l'exercici i de què és).
Els darrers quinze minuts pots fer aquestes activitats:
Halloween activities: 1 , 2, 3 .
T'ha agradat veure el video sobre Halloween? I aprendre un poc més sobre aquesta festa?
I ara, per acabar un video de broma
Bé, fins la setmana que ve.
4th B , Monday 26th October 09
The last twenty minutes, do these Halloween activities: 1(section Halloween, quiz), 2 (have a look at three trailers, write the names of the films and describe what you see and your opinion and feelings about the trailers. Did you get really scared?)
Now, have a look at this (parody of a famous horror movie).
Did you like it? Have you seen the film by Mel Brooks? It's really good.
That's all for today, folks.
dimecres, 21 d’octubre del 2009
split lesson 2nF Thursday 22nd Oct./ 2nd G Friday 23rd Oct.
present simple: 1, 2, 3, 4
Question words: 1, 2, 3
Mixed grammar exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Vocabulary: 1, 2, 3( listen to the pronuntiation of the different musical instruments), 4 (do all the activities in this page).
Games/ funny activities: 1, 2, 3
That's all for today.
Remember to write at least one sentence of each exercise or new words you learn in the vocabulary exercises.
Enjoy the session.
dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2009
1st C Wednesday 21st October 09
diumenge, 18 d’octubre del 2009
4thB Eso. Monday 19th October 09
Present simple, present continuous, present tenses, wh- words, pronouns ,easy prepositions, time clauses, auxiliaries and pronouns, gerunds ...
So, pay attention to the board and do some of the exercises of this web.
When you finish, the last minutes, you can do these funny activities.
1. things people wear
2. descriptions.(names of places in the city. Look at the pictures and learn new words.
Have a nice session.
dilluns, 12 d’octubre del 2009
Per N'aina, Clara, Paula, Anglela i Jordi
Present simple: 1, 2, 3
Verb have got: 1, 2
Vocabulary: 1, 2 , 3.
Funny activities: 1, 2, 3, 4.
I ara una cançoneta
Tradueix aquestes frases de la cançó al quadern:
-you can brush my hair.
-Come on Barbie .
-I'm a blond girl .
-You're my doll .
I ara el video de la cançó
Ara els menuts(Paula, Jordi i Angela). Aquí hi ha unes activitats per ells.
1, 2, 3.
Fins aviat
diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2009
1stC. Wednesday 14th October 09
Avui toca repassar per l'examen, així que feu les tasques i demaneu els dubtes al professor/-a. Copieu una frase de cada exercici i els exemples que considereu oportuns :
Verb to be: 1, 2(exercises 1,2), 3, 4
Verb have got: 1, 2, 3, 4
Possessives/ Genitive: 1, 2
There is/there are: 1, 2
Capital letters: 1
vocabulary: 1, 2, 3 , 4,
Games: 1, 2.
Esper que hagi anat tot bé. Fins aviat.
2nd F, Thursday 15th October.
First, to start:
do the exercises prepared in this web for 2ndA/B by Xisca. Write the answers of the text in your notebook .
Now, practise grammar :
Present simple: 1, 2.
Question words: 1,(do the two exercises), 3.
Vocabulary: 1, 2(game/memory), 3
Capital letters and punctuation: 1, 2(exercise 10)
Object pronouns: 1, 2
Funny activities: 1, 2, 3
Now, any time left, watch this video
As you can see, sometimes it is difficult to pronounce words in English. Try to do your best. See you next week.
dimecres, 7 d’octubre del 2009
2ndG eso, Friday 16th October
Do these activities from this web
present simple: exercises 1,3,4,7/game 1
-question words: exercises 1,2,3.
-adverbs of frequency:exercises 1,3.
- activities: 1,2,3,4,5.
- sports: exercise1,3.
-likes and dislikes: 3,4.
-capital letters: 2,4,5.
Any time left, here you have some more activities
Present simple: 1, 2
Wh questions: 1( do the two exercises . Copy at least two questions and answers of each one)
Vocabulary: 1, 2, 3.
Enjoy the session.
dilluns, 28 de setembre del 2009
Tuesday 29th September. 2nd batx. B
First, we'll check present tenses.
If you have guessed most of the answers, try to find the mistakes in these questions . Ask for your doubts about the mistakes you've done.Next, we'll check past tenses (past simple and past continuous)and now some tenses together. (Write on the notebook the mistakes you did ).
We continue with perfect tenses and another one on this (present perfect, past simple, past perfect). We'll have a look at the future.
Now, try to do this test on tenses.
and this varied test.
The time left, choose any exercises in this web to practise what you need.
To finish, here's is a funny activity
or choose this one if you prefer.
Have a nice session.
diumenge, 27 de setembre del 2009
Split lesson 2nd F/2nd G Eso, Thursd./Fri 1st and 2nd October 2009
First of all, we'll remember the use of have got in the three forms.(Copy the sentences in your notebook). Continue with this one(write the translations in your notebook too).
Now, it's time to start with present simple. Another one on present, 3rd person. Another one on the form. And we'll remember the rules for he,she(copy the rules in your notebook and an example of each case).
It's time to check reading comprehension(it's a listening exercise but it is possible to do it without listening to it. But, if you have headphones use them).
Now, we'll check vocabulary as in this one on verbs (try to guess the verbs before clicking on the answer. Write a list of ten of these verbs.
Time to check questions(read the story ) and then do the exercise (write your score in the notebook.)
It's time to do some funny activities. A bit of mystery now.
And a puzzle(hangman about music vocabulary). Have a look at this video (You tube.Song `so hot´by The Wonder Girls). Listen to it and write the name of 4 adjectives mentioned in the video and 4 verbs in present simple.
To finish do this vocabulary listening matching game.
Any time left, do this game.
That's all for all folks. See you next week.
dissabte, 26 de setembre del 2009
1st C Wednesday 30th September 09
First, we'll check the verb to be again. Now, do this matching exercise(copy the questions and their matching answers in your notebook).Continue with this exercise on numbers (crossword. Copy the right numbers in your notebook) and this other listening activity ( you need your headphones). Follow remembering months(copy the names of the months in your notebook) and do this activity on the months in English(hangman).
Now, we'll do an exercise on `have got´ and yet another one. Copy in your notebook at least one sentence of each exercise of `have got´.
To continue, try to fill in the gaps of this text.
Now, we'll check times.
And another one on clocks.
It´s time to do some funny activities. Start with this one on the time and this other one.
Continue with this one on aliens. And yet another one on descriptions and this one on personal information(listening game. Use your headphones.)
T'ha agradat la sessió. Si vols fer algun comentari estàs autoritzat.
divendres, 25 de setembre del 2009
4th B. Split lesson 28th September 09
First, we'll start with present simple .We'll continue with the two present tenses together, this other one on present tenses( copy on your notebook three examples of each present tense).
Now, it's time to check verbs. We continue with past tense and yet another one on past .To follow we'll check wh- questions (copy the questions in your notebook) .
We continue wit an easy crossword of verbs
and a game . Now, it's time to do other funny activities, so to end, have a look at this. Follow the instructions. Did you like it?
To finish a game to relax (choose Pitch invasion).
Any time left, do this activity
See you next week.Have a nice week. If you have any comment to do, write it. Suggestions are opinions are welcome.
2nd Batxiller B, 25th September 09
First, as promised, here are the answers for your tasks done in class today.
2. Make questions to the given answers.
a) How long have you lived in Palma?
b) What was she doing when her father arrived home?
c) What was the weather like yesterday?
d) How often do you go to Music lessons?
e) What would you buy if you were rich?
f) How many euros are there in your pocket?
g) When have you been working hard?
h) Who did you kiss yesterday?
i) Who did it?
j) Who will open the door?
3. a) fairly = quite b) look after= take care of c) Rarely = seldom d) journey = trip
4. Biblioteca, sortida, director d'orquestra, estora, discussió, informal,comprensiu, èxit, catedràtic, diari.
Now, as homework, you can do these exercises in your notebook. We'll correct them next Tuesday.
1.In these sentences there is a word in a wrong place in the sentence. Rewrite the sentence in a correct way.
a) I don't go often shopping on Saturdays.
b) She's got fair, long hair.
c) Racing motor drivers wear helmets.
d) Have you thought ever about taking a year off before starting university?
e) The tower Eiffel is very impressive.
f) She wants to know when is your birthday.
2. Write the sentences using the correct form of the verb in brackets:
a) I (live ) ___________ in Sudan when the war ( break out) _______________
b) Come to visit us. We (not do) _____________ anything special this afternoon.
c) This cheese (taste) _____________ awful.
d) I'm tired of (stand) ______________ in the queue.
e) The shop (have) ____________ a sale this week only.
f) Look at those clouds! It (rain) _______________
g) Someone is at the door. - ok, I (go) __________ to see who's there.
h) By the end of this month We (do) __________________ more than six exams.
i)He (not understand) ______________ Russian at all.
j) Where ( you be) _______________ at nine last night?- I (be) ____________ at my cousin's home. We (watch) ________________ a football match on tv.
3. Rewrite these sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.
a) I met Bob on my walk to school (as)
b) During the speaker's talk, Diana was taking notes (while)
c) Yesterday evening, at 7 o'clock, I started to study. I didn't stop until midnight. (9 o'clock)
d) Is this your house? (live)
e) I have lived in Palma for ten years now ( 1999)
f) I like to explore the ancient parts of the world. ( I enjoy...)
g) I one took holidays abroad but not any more ( I used...)
h) Booking your hotel in advance is advisable. ( I advise you...)
4. Write three lines on two of these topics.
a) Advantages of travelling around the world.
b) Using internet resources at school.
c) Alcohol, drugs and young people/teenagers.
d)Dangers of an unbalanced diet.
e) Keeping a pet can enrich a child's life in many ways...
That's all for today, folks. Have a nice weekend. See you on Tuesday, our last class this month.
dimarts, 22 de setembre del 2009
1st eso C/ Wednesday 23rd September 09
Now, it's time to do some funny activities like this one (numbers) or this memory game(matching, animals) or this other one(make your monster) . You can finish with this game (mosquito swat) to relax now.
See you next week!
2nd F/2nd G Eso. Thursday 24th/Friday 25th September 09
We are going to check some contents of the first unit and basic contents of 1st Eso.
First, we'll check ordinal numbers and `there is/are´. We'll continue with the verb to be in present. Now, we'll move to the verb have got ( copy the sentences in your notebook).
We'll continue with family vocabulary.
It's time to check the parts of the body.
We'll continue with descriptions( copy the opposites in your notebook and words referred to descriptions of people. Do the first three exercises:1,2,3)
And now is time to do some funny activities like this one(game on adjectives), or this memory game.
To finish, listen to this and complete the dialogue.
I hope you have learnt a lot. See you next week. Write any comment if you want.
diumenge, 7 de juny del 2009
4th E, Monday 8th June
Another one on passive (past), and present,
and both tenses together and a grammar quiz, the two conditional types, the present perfect and past simple, particles with present perfect, will/going to.
It's time to check word order, comparatives and superlatives.
Now, we need to check will and going to, another one about -used to.
If you want, you can do this reading (reading + exercise of questions on the text).
What about some vocabulary (adjectives+prepositions)now; -ed/ing adjectives.
Now, you can do this game(memory on accessories). Any time left,try this game( you need the Flash player).
Have a nice session. Ask the teacher for any doubt.
3rd C, Monday 8th June 09
That's why we'll check everything today. First, verbal tenses(past simple/present perfect), present tenses, past simple or past continuous, and another one mixing the verbal tenses(don't worry if you don't guess all the verbs).
We'll continue with the future simple, and the first conditional.Yet another one on the first conditional. Now, we continue with comparatives and superlatives.
Now, it's time to check vocabulary of this unit. We'll check action verbs , word order, adjectives, personality words( do the exercise in your notebook.), question words, irregular verbs ,
how much/how many and some/any ( 2 exercises).
Now, try this reading.Any time left, do this puzzle and this vocabulary game (names of animals in creole language). And yet a memory game. Another game to do.
Have a nice session.
Mahjoub, 8th June 2009
Per acabar repassarem els adjectius bàsics de descripció(copia'ls al quadern i fes un exercici sobre ells en aquesta pàgina).
dimecres, 3 de juny del 2009
1st batxiller D. Friday 5th June 09
First, we'll start with passive sentences
and follow with conditional sentences
yet another exercise on conditionals.
Now, we'll change to verbal tenses. You can also try this one. And also this multiple choice exercise on verbal tenses.
Next, we have to practise the relative clauses . Another one on relative clauses and this other one on relative clauses.
It's time to check modal verbs . Try this exercise on modals too. And yet another one
The last grammar question will be based on reported speech. You can also do this one.
Now, to relax, try this game(crossword).
Any time left, do this exercise(passive) and this other game.
Enjoy the session and don't doubt to ask for doubts.
3rd esoC. Thursday, 4th June 09
and the first conditional
Another one on the conditional.
We'll continue remembering verbal tenses(present simple/present continuous
and the past tenses( past simple/past continuous)
Now, we'll remember the comparatives and superlatives. Choose some exercises here (better lowe/intermediate level) and do them. This is the web
and another one on comparatives and superlatives (quiz).
Now, we'll remember the verb have to
and quantifiers.
Any time left try to guess the words.
Have a nice session.
dimecres, 27 de maig del 2009
1st eso B. Friday 29th May 09/ 1st eso D, Tuesday 2nd June
we'll continue with there is/there are,
and another one on some/any.
It's time to check present continuous .
Now,we'll check some vocabulary of times
and another one(food). Now, we'll check ordinal numbers, and
vocabulary of the family
Now, go to this web:www.yappr.com and have a look at some of the videos there. Choose a topic(music, celebrities, sports, news...). Use your headphones.
Any time left, choose one of these games.
Or these games.
Have a nice session.
4tE. 1st June 09
and with past simple and continuous together.(do exercise 5 and 8)
Now we'll move to present perfect,
and the present perfect with for/since
and present perfect with already , yet and just(put in the right order)
and the use of past simple or present perfect.
Now, we'll introduce the passive .
It's time to remember vocabulary referred to appearance(read the vocabulary and do the practice exercise on it)
We will also check comparatives .
To finish, you can do this puzzle
and this activity(opposites).
Enjoy the session.
dimarts, 26 de maig del 2009
!st Batxiller D, Friday 29th May 09
If not, we'll continue with verbal tenses(practice test). Check your results and try this exercise.
To continue, we'll check some time expressions and this other one on linking words of cause and consequence and more linking expressions. You can check the different types and meaning of linkers here( copy in your notebook the ones you think can be useful for you in your compositions ).
To finish, we'll check some vocabulary with a game and this other one. Enjoy the session.
dijous, 21 de maig del 2009
1st Eso B, Friday 22nd May 09
First, we'll check vocabulary of things in the house and other objects.
Now, we'll check the verb there is in past.
And we'll remember present simple.
Now, use this web to check present simple in affirmative and with wh-questions and to do some listening exercises.
Any time left, do this game.
Enjoy the session.
dimecres, 20 de maig del 2009
split lesson 3rdC, Thursday 21st May 09
We'll continue with the present perfect with for/since, and another one about it.
It's time to check time conjuctions . Was it ok?
Next, we'll check the present perfect and past simple( read the explanation and do the exercise),
still another exercise on these two tenses.
It's time to check some vocabulary(crossword),
and with this exercise(memory game on verbs ).
To finish you can do this reading. Answer these questions in a sheet of paper and give them to the teacher to be corrected:
1. Which film did Tom Cruise appear in 2007?
2. Name 5 directors he has worked with.
3. How many Golden Globes has he earned?
4. How long has he been an actor?
5. Write the names of 5 of the films he has taken part in.
6. Apart from being an actor, he has worked as a(n).................................
Have a nice session!
diumenge, 17 de maig del 2009
4th eso E, Monday 18th May, 09
First, you can start with this exercise on the first conditional, follow wit h the second conditional, and now this one a bit more difficult.
Now, you can try with this one with `should´, and this one .
It's time to work with vocabulary. You can do this exercise(read this text) and do this activity on the text( do the matching exercise in your notebook) and now try to remember this vocabulary on money( copy in your notebook the words you don't remember well).
To finish, you can do some exercises of unit 7 un the links folder .
Have a nice session. Ask the teacher if you have any doubts.
dijous, 14 de maig del 2009
1st B eso. Friday 15th May/ 1stD 19th May
and the past simple of there is/are
We'll do another one on was/were
What about questions?
Now we'll move on to vocabulary of ordinal numbers and the cardinal numbers.
Next, you can do this puzzle about hobbies. And this crossword of numbers.
To finish, have a look at two trailers of two films and complete the following information about them. The teacher will give you a sheet of paper for the activity. This activity will be marked.
- The first trailer was .............................. (adjective;eg. fantastic, very good, good, boring, terrible, entertaining, funny...)
- The film was ....................................... ( nationality). The title of the film was..............................
- In the trailer there was/ there were ...............................................................................................
- The stars of the film (actors/actresses) were ...............................................................................
dimecres, 13 de maig del 2009
Split lesson 1st BatxD, Friday 15th May
First of all, we'll start with statements, we'll continue with reported speech in questions, and reporting orders. Next one will be a little more difficult.
You can now pay attention to this vocabulary exercise on crimes. Did you guess any word?
Now, read this article about something that interests you and answer these questions:
a)What is an assault? Give two examples.
b) When can you use self-defence?
c) Can parents use force to discipline their children? What can happen to them if they use it?
d) Name two things a teacher can't do to a student. Do you agree with it?
e) What must you do if you are assaulted by another student at school?
Copy the questions and answers in a sheet of paper and give it to the teacher at the end of the class.
To finish, do this exercise to check verbal tenses.
Enjoy the session . See you in the exam next Monday.
4th D, 14th May 09
First, we'll start with conditionals, and continue with another one.
Now, we'll move on to passive sentences. Now you can enter the web page of ies ramon llull, select the english department, the level of 4th Eso, and do the exercises of unit 8.
To finish , you can play a game in the links folder, selecting the textbook of 4th Eso, section of vocabulary.
dimecres, 6 de maig del 2009
4th EsoE, Monday 11th May 09
we'll continue with another exercise on the first conditional,
and we'll go to the second conditional.
Another exercise on the second type of conditionals,
and this one on the first and second type together.
Now, you can work with vocabulary ( links folder, unit 7, spotlight 4).
Enjoy the session.
1stbatxillerD, Friday 8th May 2009
follow with this one changing time and place adverbs,
continue with another exercise(questions),
and this one on orders and prohibitions.
Now, you´ll work with a text. ( click on the title of the story and read chapter 6)
You can also do these ones: statements.
Follow with this one on questions
Now, go to yappr.com to have a look at different videos, choose one ( on the right there are the words in English and sometimes the translation into Spanish) and change from direct to indirect speech. Copy it in your notebook.
Choose any sections you are interested in: news, comedy , sports, celebrities...
If you want to check more exercises on reported speech at home copy these websites:
www.english-hilfen.de, www.saberingles.com,www.english.baladre.org.You can also go to the page of your student's book: www.oxfordbachillerato.es. Write the student's username and the password( ask your teacher ). There you'll find different exercises.
Have a nice session.