dijous, 14 de maig del 2009

1st B eso. Friday 15th May/ 1stD 19th May

Today, you´ll work with the contents of unit 7. First of all, some grammar of the past form of the verb to be,
and the past simple of there is/are
We'll do another one on was/were
What about questions?
Now we'll move on to vocabulary of ordinal numbers and the cardinal numbers.
Next, you can do this puzzle about hobbies. And this crossword of numbers.

To finish, have a look at two trailers of two films and complete the following information about them. The teacher will give you a sheet of paper for the activity. This activity will be marked.

- The first trailer was .............................. (adjective;eg. fantastic, very good, good, boring, terrible, entertaining, funny...)
- The film was ....................................... ( nationality). The title of the film was..............................
- In the trailer there was/ there were ...............................................................................................
- The stars of the film (actors/actresses) were ...............................................................................

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