dijous, 15 de desembre del 2011

2nd E Wednesday 21st December 2011

Here you've got the activities for today.
Grammar: present continuous or present simple? Click here and write 5 sentences in your notebook.)
               have got. Click here to check. ( change into negative. Write 5 sentences in your notebook)
Vocabulary.  Click here ( sports)
                    Click here (family vocabulary. Copy the words and do 1 of the exercises)

Christmas activities. Click here

Enjoy your Christmas holidays.

2nd Bachiller A. Monday 19th December 2011

Here you've got a session we did last year with my group. It is quite varied and complete, so go on the exercises you think can be useful for you and ask for your doubts. Have a nice session.
Click here. 
Enjoy your Christmas holidays!

diumenge, 11 de desembre del 2011

2nd Bachiller A/ C. 12th December 2011

If you didn't finish last week activities  click here.

Now, let's practise different contents to check what we've done till now.

Grammar 1 (verbal tenses),  2 (another one on verbal tenses),  3 (used to, get used to. Check it because you do mistakes in your compositions),  4 (check the pronouns and adjectives, do the exercise upper intermediate level in your notebook- write only the answers for each gap- and then check your answers. IMPORTANT because in your compositions you do so many mistakes referred to adjectives and pronouns. TAKE NOTE in your notebook. Copy the tables in your notebook if you want)

  • 5 (rephrasing exercise on conditionals. )
  • 6  ( verbal tenses rephrasing. Have a look at this. I think it can be very useful for you. Print the document at home if you want. The solutions are in the second page. I'll give )
  • 7  ( use the menu and practise I wish or So/such exercises or any others you find useful)
Let's start with passive sentences. You practised them last year. Let's remember them:
  • 1 ( Do the sentences. How did you do it?)
  • 2 (choose the right answer)
  • 1 ( a text on the UK with gaps. Choose the right word)
  • 2 ( let's check the quantifiers, as you do many mistakes with them. Read the explanation and do the exercise on-line)
  • 1 ( Do some of the exercises here)
That's all for today. See you in class.

2ndF/2nd E Week 12th to 16th Dec. 2011

Today we'll check some contents and we'll introduce vocabulary of unit 3. Remember to follow the instructions and write in your notebook what it is required. Write the computer work apart from the class work as I told you ( Recordeu escriure el treball que feu a l'hora d'ordinadors separat del treball de classe)

  • Grammar:  1 (revision of adjectives and personal pronouns. Copia la tabla al quadern i fes l'exercici de nivell Elementary/ Pre_intermediate al quadern.
  • 2 (subject pronouns and possessive adjectives. Escriu el resultat al quadern)
  • 3  ( write the result of the test in your notebook)
  • 4 ( present simple. Do the exercises in your notebook)

  • Vocabulary.
  • 1 (musical instruments. Do it on-line. Also suitable for LOW LEVEL students)
  • 2 (clothes pictures. Listen to them. Write 8 names (English and translation) in your notebook.)
  • 3  ( sports)
  • 4  ( play, do or go?)
  • 5  ( copy in your notebook the different types of programmes and an explanation of what they are about, an example and do the exercise on -line)
Game- click here and choose a game to relax.
That's all for today. Enjoy the session and work.Ask for your doubts.

dissabte, 10 de desembre del 2011

2nd E/2nd F Low level

Als alumnes que teniu una base molt limitada, practiqueu aquests continguts i preniu nota del vocabulari al quadern. Seguiu les instruccions.

Grammar activities:
  •    1 ( Fes l'exercici on-line i escriu al quadern 5 frases. )
  • 2    ( Escriu al quadern la taula del verb i després fes l'exercici on-line)
  • 3   ( escriu al quadern 4 frases)
  •      1  (activities. Fes al manco tres exercicis i copia les paraules al quadern)
  •     2   ( months)
  •     3    ( class objects)
  •    4    ( parts of the body)
  •  5      ( clothes and colour memory game/ listening)
  • 6      ( Spot the dragon. Game)
Aprofiteu el temps, per favor. Cal anar poc a poc però vos heu d'esforçar i repassar cada dia un poc.

European Sections 2nd eso Week 12th-16th Dec.

This week, I want you to do a TREASURE HUNT. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS; WRITE THE ANSWERS IN AN OPEN OFFICE DOCUMENT AND KEEP THE DOCUMENT IN YOUR FOLDER . THEN, COPY IT IN ( Alumnat- dep. llengües estrangeres. Anglès- 2nd eso- 2nd E/2nd F)

Choose one of  these treasure hunt activities and go on it. :
  • 1 ( Music in general. Being conscious of your `searching´)
  • 2  ( Michael Jackson)
  • 3 ( MTV)
Time for some checking activities. We will also introduce vocabulary of unit 3.

Checking grammar 1 (present simple vs present continuous),  2 (test present simple vs present continuous. Write the result in your notebook)
                                 2  (copy the table and the exercise - elementary/pre-intermediate level in your notebook. Do the exercise)

Vocabulary 1  (tv programmes. List and exercise on -line)

Have a nice session. Ask for your doubts to the teacher.

diumenge, 4 de desembre del 2011

2nd F/2nd E mon 5th Dec/WEd. 7th Dec.

Correcting your notebook I have observed that you haven't done some of the activities you had to do during the split lessons, so today you have to check the part of your notebook where you have the computer work and complete the missing activities. The LISTENINGS TOO. I'll give you the links of the sessions in order and you must click on them to complete your notebook. This is the last opportunity to do it.

 1. 1st session on the blog. Click here
 2. 2nd session : click here
 3. 3rd session. Click here
4. 4th session. Click here
5. 5th session. Click here
6. 6th sesson. Click here
7. 7th session. Click here
8. 8th sesson. Click here.
9. 9th session. Click here
10. 10th session. Click here

You can also finish your projects on music. This is the last day to do it.
If any person has finished everything, click here and do the activities.
Some more activities to do. Click here.