dissabte, 10 de desembre del 2011

European Sections 2nd eso Week 12th-16th Dec.

This week, I want you to do a TREASURE HUNT. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS; WRITE THE ANSWERS IN AN OPEN OFFICE DOCUMENT AND KEEP THE DOCUMENT IN YOUR FOLDER . THEN, COPY IT IN ( Alumnat- dep. llengües estrangeres. Anglès- 2nd eso- 2nd E/2nd F)

Choose one of  these treasure hunt activities and go on it. :
  • 1 ( Music in general. Being conscious of your `searching´)
  • 2  ( Michael Jackson)
  • 3 ( MTV)
Time for some checking activities. We will also introduce vocabulary of unit 3.

Checking grammar 1 (present simple vs present continuous),  2 (test present simple vs present continuous. Write the result in your notebook)
                                 2  (copy the table and the exercise - elementary/pre-intermediate level in your notebook. Do the exercise)

Vocabulary 1  (tv programmes. List and exercise on -line)

Have a nice session. Ask for your doubts to the teacher.

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