diumenge, 9 de desembre del 2012

4th diversificació, Friday 14th Dec. 2012

First of all, congratulations to everybody. All of you have passed this first evaluation.I'm very glad and proud of you. Remember I want the computer work organised, but separated from the classwork, please!
Now, as I have seen some mistakes in your exam, let's check some contents of these two months.

- present simple: 

  • click here. Test on present simple. Copy the mistakes in your notebook.
  • Click here. (write the sentences of the 2nd exercise in your notebook.)
  • Click here
  • Click here.(present simple or continuous?
- present continuous.
  • click here. Write the mistakes in your notebook.
  • click here
  • click here
- Wh- question words:
  • click here.
  • click here. (write in your notebook one question and answer for each wh- word in the exercises)
Reading comprehension.
  • click here
  • click here (reading and listening at the same time.Copy the text in the notebook.)
  • click here. (choose a game from the list given)
  • click here. (job hunting game)
  • a christmas game. Click here.
That's all for today. See you next week.

dissabte, 8 de desembre del 2012

Alumnat classe bussiness del trimestre.

Aquesta entrada vol ser un agraïment a aquells alumnes  de primer d'eso que s'han esforçat de forma regular durant tot el trimestre, han fet les feines encomanades, han prestat atenció a classe també en els moments difícils i han avançat curricularment, han participat activament a classe i han seguit avançant cadascú al seu nivell. Es d'agrair poder tenir alumnat com aquest a l'aula i des d'aquí vos don les gràcies per haver facilitat la tasca docent. Vos anim a continuar així la resta de curs. Si els vostres noms tornen a aparèixer a la llista del segon trimestre i durant el tercer trimestre també mostreu una evolució positiva se vos pujarà la nota a final de curs. Anims i endavant!

Aquest primer trimestre de curs, l'alumnat que consider que ha d'estar a aquest grup és el següent:

1r B:
1) Sofia Olivia Breeze
2) Silvia Caballero
3) Elvira Cardona
4) Marina Cazorla
5) Sara Gutiérrez
6) Sofía Méndez
7) Paula Ramírez
8) Sebastià Seguí
9) Míriam Selva
10) Noemi Selva
11) Paula Vera
12) Cristina Vera

1) Lidia Angulo
2) Esther Florit
3) Laura Florit
4) Martina Piovesan
5)David Rey
6) Adrián Torres

2nd Bachiller B, Friday 14th December 2012

Let's check the different contents of these three months. Don't forget to do the activities in the paper and give them to the teacher at the end of the class. There are many contents for you to do this week and next week in the last session of the year. For next week, you can finish some of these activities and I will simply add some cultural activities on Christmas.
I recommend you to take notes and write some examples in your notebook.

To do the activities referred to the order of adjectives, you have these links to help you. It is important to remember the right order of adjectives before nouns as it is normal in English to have more than one:

  • Click here (rules and examples)
  • Click here (rules and exercises to practise)
Grammar contents:
  • click here (common mistakes. Choose the right answer and take it into account)
  • click here (conditionals)
  • click here (passive theory and exercises. Do different kind of exercises)
  • click here. (change into passive. Pay attention to the last ones)
  • click here (passive with modal verbs)
  • click here (wishes)
  • Click here (have sth. done- explanation, examples and an easy exercise to start with)
  • Click here (an exercise with - have something done)
  • Click here (get something done exercises)
  • Click here (impersonal passive)
  • Click here (test on verbal tenses)
  • Click here (word order test)
Typical mistakes you do in compositions. Some examples for you:
  • click here (tips and explanations of typical mistakes)
  • click here (`the´  or omission of it)

Vocabulary. Mix of different exercises for you to improve your vocabulary:
  • click here (synonyms, verbs)
  • click here (word formation verbs into nouns)
  • click here (text on law. Complete with the words given)
  • click here (verbs, opposites)
  • click here (similar or opposite?)
  • click here (phrasal verbs)
  • click here (phrasal verbs intermediate level)
  • click here (opposites)
Reading and Writing
  • Click here. (a five questions test. Good luck!)
  • click here (try to complete these text).  Or if it is too difficult, do this one. Click here
  • click here (click on the different sounds in English. Read the examples. Write down notes in your notebook if you want)
  • click  here (read and do the exercises without having a look at the answer)
A game to finish.
  • Click here (in this game it is necessary to know how you pronounce the different letters of the alphabet in English)
  • Click here (preffix game)
That's all for today. See you next w

Click in the numbers for the different activities:

  • 1 ( All I want for christmas is you. A very good carol with a nice message, not a consumist one. )
  • 2 (A reading and listening about Christmas celebration in England. At the end of the page, click on the link to do the quiz)
  • 3 (Christmas puzzle)
  • 4 ( a quiz on-line. How many questions did you answer  correctly?)
  • 5 (a christmas flashmob video)
  • 5 ( Madagascar penguins special video episode to have fun. Try to undestand what they say)
Merry Christmas to everybody. Relax and get ready to work hard next year!


1st eso, Wed. 12th, Thur. 13th Dec. 2012

Today, we are going to check contents that are not clear for you, as I have seen in your exams. Do the activities and ask your doubts to the teacher. This will be a revision session of this first evaluation.
If you haven't passed the evaluation try to do your classwork and homework from now and you'll have more possibilities to pass the next evaluations:

This evaluation you will have one little notebook (handmade) for your computer lessons. The teacher will give it to you at the beginning of the session and will collect it at the end, to keep them till next session. This will make easier for you to organize your notebook.
Això ha fallat aquesta avaluació, així com l'entrega de tasques per part vostra. Si teniu dubtes heu de demanar però si seguiu sense fer feina vos heu d'atendre a les conseqüències.
Avui toca ja començar a fer feina seriosament tots aquells que no ho heu fet fins ara. 

Verb to be: (trieu entre les dues opcions que se vos donen)

  • Click here (fes tots els exercicis del verb to be i apunta al quadernet de cada exercici les errades o, una frase)
  • exercicis alternatius del verb to be i els pronoms subjecte per qui tengui un nivell molt baix. Click here.Copieu dos textos al quadernet i traduiu-los.
Verb have got:
  • click here (fes els exercicis i el darrer exercici que és un text copia'l al quadern. Tradueix-lo al català o castellà)
  • click here. (fes els exercicis 3,6.9 i 10. Si encara falles, fes els altres exercicis. Copia al quadernet una frase de cada exercici)
Possessive case and possessive adjectives:
  • click here. (feu al manco tres dels exercicis.)
  • click here.
  • click here
  • click here (remembering the rules for the -'s)
  • click here (look at the video and answer the questions. At least write five sentences of Homer's family in the little notebook)
A game if you have extra time. Click here and choose one.

  • Feina per Manolo, Dani Martín, Marcos Fernández, Jesus Navares. (repàs general de continguts)
  • Click here ( no faceu els exercicis de la cançó, feu també aquests:
  • Click here. (days of the week. Escriu al quadernet el segon exercici complet. Recorda que after=després/last=darrer  i before=abans)
  • Click here. (months and seasons. Escriu-los al quadernet)
  • Click here. (mescla dies, mesos i estacions de l'any. Escriu al quadernet les estacions.)
  • Click here. (personal pronouns subject + is/are/am. Copia dos textos al quadernet i tradueix-los).
Recorda que ha començat ja la segona avaluació. Toca fer feina i aprofitar el temps.

Wednesday and Thursday 19th and 20th December. When you finish the contents of the session, do these Christmas activities.
That's all for today. See you next week.

PQPI-1. Monday 10th December 2012

Avui, primer fareu uns exercicis d'ampliació dels nombres fins al cent, de professions i d'adjectius possessius i  de repàs dels temes anteriors i després fareu unes activitats per entregar a la professora.


  • Click here. (write the numbers. Escriu al quadern les errades)
  • Click here.
  • Click here. (listen and choose the right number you listen)
  • Click here. (the last one, very complete exercise. )

Possessive adjectives:
  • Click here.
  • Click here.
  • Click here. (copia les frases al full que et donarà la professora i tradueix-les. Entrega-les amb les altres activitats del full al final de la classe)
  • Click here
  • Click here
Revision exercises.
  • click here. (fes totes les activitats d'aquesta primera unitat)
  • click here (atenció, aquestes expressions vos poden servir per traduir part de les frases del full que vos ha entregat la professora)
 A game to finish:  click here and choose one.

See you next week.

dimarts, 27 de novembre del 2012

Seur, Art exam revision

Gloria Alonso, the other English teacher in Seur 1st Eso D and E has got some material for you to check for your Art exam. Click here.

Ask any doubts to the teacher. Good luck with your exams this week.

Do it as better as you can. Don't worry, if you have worked and made a great effort, you'll have good marks.

dijous, 22 de novembre del 2012

PQPI-1. Monday 26th November 2012

Primer, acabeu totes les activitats pendents de classes anteriors. Vos deix l'enllaç de la setmana passada i des d'allà podeu accedir als enllaços anteriors. Cliqueu aquí.

I ara, diferents activitats per a fer.

  1. Una lliçó completa on-line per a fer les diferents activitats. Cliqueu aquí. Mireu i escolteu el video unes quantes vegades i feu aquestes activitats al quadern: 
              a) Escriviu 4 formes diferents de saludar en anglès i quan es solen dir.
              b) Cóm demaneu en anglès Cóm estàs?
             c) Escriu  tres o quatre possibles respostes a la pregunta de cóm estàs en anglès
             d) Escolta i completa: My name is ____________. I'm from _______________. I'm ________ years old. I'm ____________, I'm not ____________ but I have a _____________. His name ______ Paul. He's from ______________. I'm a teacher. I like ___________. I like ______________
2. Click here. (low level students. Do the activities on the alphabet and days and months.
 Standard level can also listen to the dialogue on birthdays.)

3. Click here. (només alumnes amb nivell baix per escoltar els sons en anglès. Penseu que en treballar en una tenda pot fer falta demanar a un client que digui el seu nom lletra a lletra- Can you spell your name, please?- i convé que sapigueu pronunciar les diferents lletres de l'alfabet)

4. Standard level students- do this activity. Click here  and here(listening for the pronuntiation of these useful expressions.)
Click also here.

5. Click here  for a vocabulary exercise.
Another vocabulary exercise . Click here. (memory on jobs).
Another vocabulary activity on jobs. Click here.
Escriu al quadern 6 noms de professions de les que surten a les activitats d'avui. 
That's all for today. See you next day in class.

4th eso diversificacio, 23rd November 2012

First of all, do part of the activities you didn't do last week. (primer, acabeu les activitats de la setmana passada. Recordeu que n'hi havia moltes i no es podien fer totes en un dia) Click here

Now, activities to check unit 2:

  • Present continuous. Click  in the numbers:
  1. Activity on -ing form for verbs. Click here. Click here too.
  2. Present continuous exercises. Do all of them. Write the mistakes in your notebook. Click here If you need more practice, click here.
  3. Present continuous or present simple. Click here (copy in your notebook the signal words for present simple and present continuous and translate them). Now, do this exercise.
  • Directions. Vocabulary. Click here and do all the activities there. Copy in your notebook the  new expressions and the mistakes in the sentences to correct.
  • Extra work. (voluntari per entregar si voleu una nota extra a tenir en compte a l'avaluació. Pots copiar els exercicis a un word i fer-los a casa. Demana'm els dubtes). Click here.

A video on present continuous. Click here

A game to finish . Click here.   And here.

That's all for today. See you next week.

diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2012

there is/are and comparatives explanation

  • There is/ are presentation. Click here (video)

  • There is/are +some/any slideshare presentation. Click here

  • comparatives. Explanation. Click here    
  • examples now. Click here

  • a game now. click here

That's all for today.

pdi present continuous material

pdi session of november 2009. Click here (form, exercises, video on the Simpsons...)

2nd Bachiller B, Friday 23rd Nov. 2012

First, finish the activities of the last sessions.

  • Click here for the session you had two weeks ago.
  • click here for the session you had last week.
PHONETICS: click here for THEORY and ACTIVITIES to do.

CONDITIONAL TENSES:Click here (conditional quiz). Click also here (conditionals)
VERBAL TENSES. Click here (quiz) and here
VOCABULARY ACTIVITIES: Click here (do or make),  and here (confused words). Click here (phrasal verbs quiz) too.
A TEXT TO DO:  Click here

That's all for today. See you next week.

1esoB-C . 21st and 22nd November 2012

Today, you'll practise contents seen in class. 
Follow the instructions and do the activities given.

  • There is/ are:   click here,   and click here (copia la teoria al quadern i un exemple de cada i després fes la pràctica-clicant al final de les explicacions).
  • some/any/ a/an: click here and here.
  • vocabulary places: click here  and here.
That's all for today. See you next week.

dijous, 15 de novembre del 2012

PQPI 1, Monday 19th November 2012

Primer, acabeu tot el que teniu pendent, incloent les preguntes True/False . Cliqueu aquí per la darrera sessió. i després entregueu el quadern complet.

1)Activities for students who need to check contents ( activitats per alumnes que necessiten revisar continguts ja vists a classe)

  • Per aquells que necessitin revisar els nombres fins al vint, cliqueu aquí. (ves a `explanation´per recordar com s'escriuen i després fes l'exercici).
  • Si necessiteu revisar el verb to Be, aneu aquí
  • Si necessiteu revisar expressions bàsiques cliqueu aquí.(greetings. Click for audio)
  • Si necessiteu revisar bàsic vocabulari, cliqueu aquí. (days of the week, crossword)
  • Més vocabulari bàsic. Països i nacionalitats. Aquest exercici és per a tots. Cliqueu aquí i aquí.
  • Un altre exercici per a tots. Cliqueu aquí.
  • A game now. Click here. ( usa els cascos per a fer-lo)
  • Another game: click here. (countries and flags memory)

Per aquells que teniu un nivell standard i bona nota a l'examen, feu aquestes activitats variades apart dels dos exercicis anteriors que eren per a tots. anota al quadern expressions noves i nou vocabulari:

  • verb to be:  1,  2
  • Vocabulary of greetings and expressions:  1 (listen and complete. Do exercises  1 and 2. Use your hearphones)
  • Basic vocabulary. Click here (class vocabulary)
  • a game now. Click here ( GAMES FOR THE BRAIN. Choose one)
That's all for today folks. See you in class.

pdi session 1st eso

Let's watch a video about the Burj Dubai tower now. Click here.

Let's see definitions for public places in a city. Click here

A nice activity on places. Click here.

This is an interactive map of an imaginary city of a cartoons American series. Do you recognize it? Click here. Find 5 public places there and write them in your notebook in English: ajuntament, biblioteca, jutjats, una fàbrica i alguna tenda.

Now, have a look at this video. What is this? What can you do here? Where is it? It is near Kiruna, in Sweden,200km North of the Artic Circle.
Click here.

That's all for today.

dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2012

4th diversificació. Friday 16th November 2012

Let's practise with some vocabulary first.

  • Parts of the body:  1,    2,   3 (hangman)
  • hobbies and activities to do in the free time:   1,   2,  3,   4 (wordsearch),  5 (matching exercise)
  • professions:  1,   2 (crossword)
Time for grammar now.
Present simple:
  • 1 (affirmative form)
  • 2 (3rd person singular. -(e)s.Affirmative.). Write five sentences in the notebook.
  • 3 (choose the right alternative). Write the mistakes in the notebook.
  • 4 (negative)
  • 5 (theory and exercises, negative and questions)
A very complete activity now. Click here.

Starting with places in a city. Click here.

A game now: click here

A video to watch. Write in your notebook 8 verbs of  things that people do in the video. Click here to watch the video.

That's all for today. See you next week.

2nd Bachiller, 16th November 2012

 Click here. (previous session activities for you to finish).

New activities and exercises.
Some other activities if you want to practise more:


  • 1 (a general vision of linking words with some interesting notes on `position within a sentence, meaning, variations...)
  • 2 (so, so that, in order to...)
  • 3
A READING now. Click here. (read the story and answer the questions. It is good to take into account the use of verbal tenses-past tenses- in the story).

Phonetics. For the exam:
  • short and long vowels recognition. Click here and use your earphones. In general, in English two vowels in the same syllable make the vowel a long one. There is also the sound of a long vowel if it is followed by -r or -l.
  • -s ending in words. Click here. (explanation and examples. Now, an exercise to practise. Click here.
  • -ed endings in regular verbs. Rules. Click here to read them.  Click here. Another one for you to practise. Click here.

A curious but nice activity to practise for a better writing. Click here.

That's all for this week. See you next week.

diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2012

2nd Bachiller B, Friday 9th November 2012

First, finish the activities you didn't do last week, to check contents seen in class. Click here.
 Let's work on vocabulary. I think it will be useful for you.
Now, vocabulary on society and crime.

  •  Click here.
  • Another different one now. Click here  I advise you to write in your notebook the definitions and new words.Then, do the exercise given.
  • A last exercise now.Click here. Try to do it firs and then check the solutions.
Vocabulary on personality now.
Let's do some phonetics now. Click here.(learn the phonetic sounds in English- consonants, vowels...)
                         The phonetic chart. Click here.

That's all for today. have a nice session.

1st Eso B/C 7th and 8th November 2012

First, do these activities to help you to check the contents you failed in the exam. Click here (session 18th/19th October)

Next, do these other activities to check genitive 's and family vocabulary:

  1. Click here. ( DO IT IN THE PAPER THE TEACHER WILL GIVE YOU: The teacher will collect it at the end of the  class)

Any time left, do this game. Click here

1st eso Seur, Week 5th to 9th November 2012

Today, you'll start a Treasure Hunt on New York. You have two weeks to do it.
 Pay attention to the instructions and start.

Click here.

PQPI Monday 5th November 2012

First, finish last week activities.(Acabar les activitats passades primer) Click here.

I ara, avui agafeu un full que vos donarà la professora i seguiu les instruccions. Serà una activitat per a fer aquesta hora i al final de la classe l'entregareu i tendreu una nota de feina.Poseu el nom i la data abans de res. Es pot fer individual o per parelles. 
Es tracta d'escriure aquestes frases i cercar informació a la web per a saber si la informació és True /vertadera or False/falsa i corregir les falses o contestar les preguntes que se plantegen.Es un test de cultura general i celebrities. En alguns casos vos don l'enllaç a la web on surt la resposta.Anims i endavant! Demaneu els dubtes.

1. Elizabeth the Second, Queen of England, is 80 years old. (Search in wikipedia- biography)
2. Great Britain is formed by two countries, England and Wales.Their capital cities are London and Manchester. Click here for the answer: ( countries= països)
3. The prince of Spain , Felipe, has got 3 daughters.( prince=príncep)
4. David Bisbal is married now. (married= casat)
5.`La Voz´is a radio programme.
6. Justin Timberlake's wife is Madonna.(wife=esposa)
7. Shakira is Ronaldo's girlfriend. She lives in Madrid with him.
8. Can you write the name of two English football teams? (team=equip)
9. What is the capital city of Spain? And of France?
10. What is the typical Spanish food for tourists who visit Spain?
11. What is the national coin (moneda)  of England?
12. Can you name two Spanish pop groups?
13. Can you write the name of two films with Javier Bardem?. Click here
14. Two and five make six. True or false?
15. Tea is the national drink in England. True or false?
16. Look at the web of Madame Tussaud's in London. Write the name of 3 Hollywood stars that are there (wax figures). Click here.

diumenge, 28 d’octubre del 2012

1st eso B, Wednesday 31st October 2012

Today night we celebrate Halloween, so it's time to do Halloween activities :

Click here:

  • 1 ( game, the haunted house)
  • 2 ( a Halloween quiz)
  • 3 (Halloween hangman)
  • 4 ( Video on Halloween. Tim Burton)
  • 5 ( Bob Esponja, macabro)
  • 6 (videos scaring people)
  • 7 (more videos on scaring people)
  • 8 ( Halloween games)
  • 9 (other Halloween games)
Learning about Halloween: click here. (reading and exercise)

That's all for today. See you next week. Enjoy these mini holidays.

dissabte, 27 d’octubre del 2012

PQPI 1, Monday 29th October 2012

Today, last day to finish the activities of last sessions. LISTENINGS TOO.

 Previous Sessions in chronological order:  1,    2,   3,    4,   5.
 IMPORTANT: I'll collect your computer work next Monday to correct it at home and mark it. TRY TO COMPLETE IT.

If you have finished everything, click here and do these activities:

  • 1 ( Lesson 1, File book). Do the activities on-line.
  • 2 (countries and nationalities wordsearch or crossword)
  • 3 ( reading comprehension. Read the text and answer these questions in your notebook:
 a) mention 3 words that come from Old English.
b) Does the word ' educate´come from Old English? Which language does it come from?

c) Can you write two words which come from French?
d) Is English an international language?
 e) Can you think of two Spanish words used in the English language and two English words used in the Spanish language?
f) Do you know any word coming from new technologies? ( mention at least 4). 

A listening now:  Listen to this song and answer these questions about it. Click here.
Questions . Translate into Spanish or Catalan these sentences of the song in your notebook:
- you say goodbye
- I say hello
- I don't know why
- you say stop, I say go.

Some funny activities now:
Click here ( video of scaring people- asustar a gent, typical of Halloween days?:
Click here (more scaring jokes) too.

A scary game now: click here or here

That's all for today, see you next week.

diumenge, 21 d’octubre del 2012

4th eso diversificacio, Friday 26th October 2012

First, finish the activities about Great Britain. Click here (last week's session)

Any time left, do these activities in order:

  • game activity:  click here (daily routines memory)
  • Click here ( about you sentences game) now.
  • Another one to do: verb like. Click here. Click also here. (write in your notebook the mistakes)
  • There is/there are:  click here Click also here
General culture activities now: Click here.
                                               Click also here.

That's all for today. See you in two weeks.

PQPI 1- Monday 22nd October 2012.

First, finish last week activities. Click here.

Now do these activities in order:

     1. grammar

  • . Article a/an. click here., and here.
  • verb to be: click in order:  1,   2,   3.
  • 2. vocabulary of family members. Write the feminine words for dad, brother, son, nephew, husband, grandfather, uncle, cousin  in your notebook: To find the feminine words click here.
  •  For exercises on the family vocabulary click here.   Click also here.  Click here too.
   3.  Vocabulary of numbers again:  Click here ( write in your notebook the numbers to 100 and then do the exercises 1 and 2)

  4.  Games:  click here. Click here too. Click here for an audio  game.

  That's all for today. See you next week.


dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

4th Eso Diversificació, Friday 20th October 2012

First of all, finish the activities you started last session. Click here

Now, take a paper and copy and answer the following questions about England and London.
You can use these webs to help you with the answers. When you finish give it to the teacher to mark it. ( vos posaré nota, així que cal que ho entregueu. Si no vos dóna temps d'acabar aquesta setmana ho acabareu la setmana que ve.
Web about England with a lot of information. Click here.
Click also here,  For pictures, click here.
Click here for Madame Tussaud's web.

1) What countries can you find in Great Britain? What are the capital cities? Write the name of 4 important cities to visit in England ( not the capital cities)
2) What colours is the English flag, the Union Jack?
3) What is the capital of England?
4) What is the typical colour of the buses in London? What about taxis?
5) What is the national drink in England? what time do they drink it?
6) Who is the UK queen? How old is she?
7) What is the London eye? Find information about it (write 2 sentences)
8) What is the Big Ben? Click here.
9 ) Mention 4 wax figures you can find in Madame Tussaud's wax museum in London. 
10) Mention two typical dishes in England.
11) What is the national drink in Scotland?
12) Mention 3 famous sport stars that come from the UK and 2 actors or actresses.
13) Which public means of transport do londoners use to move around the city?
14) What is the British currency used in England? . Click here.
15) What is the name of the river that goes by London? And the most known bridge over it?
16) Who is the most famous comedy actor in England known as Mr Bean? What is his name? Where is he from? How old is he? Have a look to one of his cartoons stories here.
17)A famous song of a very known English group. Click here to see the video. What can you see in the video. Write 6 things. Start the sentences with there is/there are. How many members are there in this group? what are their names?. Find the information in wikipedia.
18) Write the name of  2 other British bands.

Això és tot per avui. Feu feina i aprofiteu el temps. See you next week!

2nd Bachiller, Friday 20th October 2012

First, finish the activities you couldn't do last week ( including the phonetic activities. Use your headphones. ). Click here (last blog session).

Next, practise unit one contents that we have done in class:

  • 1 ( word order)
  • 2 ( time clauses, basic)
  • 3 (verbal tenses. If you do many mistakes, continue with exercises 2,3...)
  • 4 (verbal tenses recognition. Do exercise 1 and 2 about the text)
  • 5 (extra word mistakes)
  • 6 ( so vs such)
  • 7 ( so vs such quiz)
  • 8 (synonyms)
  • 9 (additive connectors chart)
  • 10 (additive connectors exercise)
  • 11 (description text and activities. You can leave this activity for next week if you prefer.)
Don't worry if you have no time to finish all the activities. You can continue next week.
Have a nice session.
New activities on the last contents seen in class:

  • conditional sentences:   1,     2,   3,   4,  5.
  • I wish/ if only:   1,     2,   3,  4
  • Word order:  1
  •    Too/Enough. Do this exercise on line, first. Click here.  
  • Now try to do this rewriting exercise as the example given: eg. He isn't old enough to go to the disco= he is too young to go to the disco. Do the same with these sentences. Rewrite them with  enough´ or 'too'. Write them in your notebook:
  • a) The weather is too bad to go out. b) The test was too difficult for the students to do .c) He wasn't tall enough to reach the top shelf. d) The coffee was too hot to drink.



1rB/1rC Eso, 18th and 19th October 2012

Primer, és obligatori acabar les tasques pendents de la setmana anterior. Cliqueu aquí

I pels que heu acabat, vos deix unes activitats per a fer on-line. La professora vos les supervisarà.

  1. verb have got and verb to be:   clica aquí.  I també aquí.
  2. Basic questions: click here.  Click here  (copia totes les preguntes i respostes de model que dóna a la primera part de la pàgina al quadern i després fes les activitats de la web on-line ).
     3. mixed activity. Click here. ( anota al quadern el nombre de Mistakes- errades- que facis.)

     4. Reading comprehension. Click here  Copy the questions and answer them your notebook:
                  a) How many inhabitants are there in London?
                  b) London is the capital of what country?
                 c) What was the name of London in Roman times? - It was .................
                 d)  Where is London situated?
                 e) Search in the internet three famous sites to visit in London and write the names and what kind of places they are.

That's all for today. See you next week.

diumenge, 14 d’octubre del 2012

PQPI 1, Monday 15th October 2012

Avui teniu aquesta sessió per acabar feines pendents de les setmanes anteriors. Vos deix per ordre els links a les diferents sessions que hem fet.
1) primera setmana.Click here
2) segona setmana. Click here:

I pels que ja heu acabat, vos deix les següents activitats per a fer:

1: Cerca a la pàgina següent aquestes paraules i escriu-les al quadern en anglès: Click here
Anglaterra, Espanya, Italia, America, França, Portugal, Brasil, Bélgica, Japó, i com es diuen les persones que provenen d'aquests països.
eg. A person from de UK ( Great Britain ) is English.
Ara intenteu fer aquesta activitat on-line. Click here.

2) Vocabulari activities on-line:

Revisem vocabulari bàsic ara:

numbers: click here. Click here too. Aquest més difícil és pels que ja sabeu els nombres fins al cent. Click here
Days of the week memory game: click here. Write in your notebook the days of the week in order.
Basic English questions:  click here,

A game to finish. Click here.
A curious activity now. Click here.


diumenge, 7 d’octubre del 2012

PQPI 1, Monday, 8th October 2012

First of all, finish the activities of the previous sessions. Click here.

Next, do these activities following the order given:

  • Verb to be:  1 ( Do the execises 1,2,3,4 of the verb to be. Do the exercise 4 in your notebook.= fes l'exercici 4 al quadern.
  • Basic activities:  1 (countries, capital cities and nationalities. Do activities 1,2. ),  2 (classroom rules in English. Escriu-les i tradueix-les al quadern),   3 (vocabulary of objects in class),   4 ( LISTENING, use your headphones. ),    5 ( personal pronouns),   6 ( personal pronouns, complete and substitute. copy 5 sentences in your notebook and  the number of mistakes you do= copia 5 frases al quadern i el nombre d'errades que facis)
  • Vocabulary and games:
  1. vocabulary of   numbers: click here (memory game numbers to 20)
  2. Vocabulary of days of the week and months:  1 (crossword)
  3. basic words:  click here. (things at home) and here (transportation and communication)
A song to finish: click here ( a flashmob of a famous song in a train station). Have a look and answer the questions IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. ( AL QUADERN)
a) What are the first three notes?
b) What is do?
c) What is far?
d) What is mi?
e) Do you like the dance and this version of the song?
f) Do you know the title of the film in which this song is sung?

Here you have the lyrics to help you to answer the questions ( vos deix un enllaç a la lletra per a ajudar-vos)
Click here.
Have a nice session and see you next week.

dijous, 4 d’octubre del 2012

4th eso Diversificació, 5th October 2012

Today, first of all, you have to finish the exercises in the previous sessions. Click here for the last week session.

Next, we'll check some contents. Follow the instructions.

Activities to do:

  • Verb to be and have got. Click here. Click also here.
  • Classroom rules expressions:  click here. and here.
  • There is/there are/ some/any: Click in the numbers:  1 ( WRITE the rules in your notebook with one example of each. Then, click on NEXT to do the Practice)
  • Verb to be: click here. ( do the exercises 1,2,3,4 of the verb to be). Do the exercise 4 in your notebook. To be or have got? click here
  • Vocabulary activities:  1 (hobbies),   2 (birthday and age listening game),  3 (prepositions of place),   4 ( months crossword),   5 (hobbies memory pairs),  6 (verbs + nouns)

A game to finish. Choose one game from the list given. Click here.
That's all for today. See you next week.

dimecres, 3 d’octubre del 2012

2nd Bachiller B, Friday 5th October 2012

  • Let's start the session checking verbal tenses:
           1. Click here. ( any verbal tense) and here.
           2. Click here. ( past simple, past continuous or present perfect)
           3. Click here. ( some useful activities on verbal tenses and an introduction to phonetics)

For those who need to check some contents, click on the exercises below:
  1. Use of the article THE:  1,   2,   . Rules of use:  click here
  2. false friends. Click here.,
  3. Object pronouns and possessive pronouns and adjectives: click here. Another one a bit more difficult, click here.
    4. A web for you to choose some exercises to do, attending to your needs. Click here.

Vocabulary now.
  •  More vocabulary to describe people:  click here. Another one for you to do. Click here.
  • A test on vocabulary related to love relationships. Click here
  • Your zodiac sign. Many adjectives describing personality. Do you feel identified? Click here.

  • A definitions task now. Click here.
  • Typical mistakes. Click here ( this is optional homework) and here.
  • other contents:  click here

That's all for today. See you in class next week. Don't hesitate to ask me any doubts you have.
Have a nice session.

diumenge, 30 de setembre del 2012

1st eso B, C. 1st week October.

Don't do any of these activities if you didn't finish previous activities.

Today you have to use your notebook and headphones!!!


  • 1 ( possessives). Copy the mistakes in your notebook.
  • 2 ( veb to be)
  • 3 (dictation verb to be. USE YOUR HEADPHONES. Write the dictation in your notebook.)
  • 4 ( possessives quiz)
  • 1 ( family members, memory game)
  • 2 (family and possessives, exercise .) Answer these questions in your notebook:
  • 1. Who is Alice's husband? 
  • 2. Has Alice got a daughter? 
  • 3. What's Alice's mother's name?
  •  4. Have Harry and Marjorie got any grandchildren?
  •  5. Who is Alice's niece?
A Game to finish:  click here.

That's all for today. See you next week.

PQPI 1, Monday 1st October, 2012

If you have finished all the activities you had for last week session, do these ones:

1.A quiz to do.Click here.

  Vocabulary for greetings and introductions:  1,

LISTENINGS: 1)Phone numbers Listening.  Click here.
                           2) Where are you from? Video and exercise. Click here.

Games:  1 ( memory game numbers to 20)
             2 ( memory game family names)

Video of a song. Click here.
Lyrics. Click here.
Have a look and answer these questions about the song:
1) Who is the band? . Find information about it in the Internet and write about the members, where they are from, how old they are...

2)  Who is Barbie's boyfriend?

3) Translate these common expressions in the song used in everyday language in English:
   - Come on:
  - Do you wanna go for a ride?
 - Let's go:
-I'm having so much fun:
- I'm always yours:

4) What can you do to a Barbie girl?

That's all for today, see you next week.

dimarts, 25 de setembre del 2012

4th Diversificació, Friday 28th Sept. 2012

If you have finished the activities you started last week, do these ones:

Verb to be and have got: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6 ( dictation. Use your headphones). Write in the notebook the results you get in these grammar exercises.

Possessive adjectives revision: 1,  2. Write the result of the test in the notebook and the mistakes you do.

Common expressions and greetings:  1

Presentations:  1,  2

Professions vocabulary:  1,  2

Games:  1 ( memory),  2 ( multiple choice game on European capitals),  3 (what time basketball game)

A song to finish:  listen to it and be optimistic. Click here.
That's all for today. See you next day.

Write in the notebook the new vocabulary in the exercises.

See you next week. Enjoy the session.

Wed/Thursday 26Th/27th September. 1stB/1stC

If you have finished all the activities you had last week, do these ones in order:

Possessive adjectives.: 1,  2
Genitive 'S:  1 ( Be careful: Don't use the genitive with objects, only with persons as possessors .),    2 ( Copy the rules in your notebook with one example of each rule.)
Personal pronouns:  1,  2
Vocabulary of objects in class:  1,  2(listening exercise). Use your headphones.
Classroom language: 1,  2,  3

Memory game with sound- Use your headphones: click here
That's all for today. See you next week.

diumenge, 23 de setembre del 2012

PQPI 1, Monday 24th September 2012

Hi, my students. First of all please pay attention to the rules you must follow when staying at the computer room. COPY THEM IN YOUR NOTEBOOK.

  • 1) Don't eat or drink in class
  • 2) Take care of the material in class ( computer, mouse, chair, plugs...). Don't hit them.
  • 3) Don't shout or run in class. You must be sitting doing the task.If you don't finish the task in the session, you will continue next day.
  • 4) Don't turn on the computer if you don't have permission to do it.
  • 5) Follow the teacher's instructions.
  • 6) Don't enter not allowed webs or sites. Don't chat or play games on line.
  • 7) Behave properly and respect your classmates and teacher.
  • 8) If you have doubts, ask the teacher.
  • 9) Use the headphones when required.
  • 10) Copy in your notebook what is marked in GREEN.
  • 11) When the teacher tell you your password, if you change it, try to choose one easy to remember for you.
Now, the task for you today. GRAMMAR AND USE OF ENGLISH
1) Click here. ( watch the video, do the task and the the TEST part. Use your headphones. What's the name of the teacher in the video?. Write the answer in your notebook.)
2) Verb to be exercises: click here and do the 4 exercises there.Copy the mistakes in your notebook.

  •   More activities for you to do. Click here (Textbuilder. Read the e-mail, select the option of taking  out 25% of the words and complete the e-mail. Write it in your notebook and translate it into Spanish or Catalan.
   a) Click here. ( study the numbers till 100 and then do two of the activities with numbers)
   b) Click here ( Nationalities)
   c) Click here.  ( hotel words)
   d) Click here ( words related to school)
   e) Click here. (jobs and drinks)

    a) Click here. Follow the instructions of the game. The Magic monkey.
    b) Click here now. Go to school. Game on numbers 1 to 20.
That's all for today. See you next week.