I pels que heu acabat, vos deix unes activitats per a fer on-line. La professora vos les supervisarà.
- verb have got and verb to be: clica aquí. I també aquí.
- Basic questions: click here. Click here (copia totes les preguntes i respostes de model que dóna a la primera part de la pàgina al quadern i després fes les activitats de la web on-line ).
3. mixed activity. Click here. ( anota al quadern el nombre de Mistakes- errades- que facis.)
4. Reading comprehension. Click here Copy the questions and answer them your notebook:
a) How many inhabitants are there in London?
b) London is the capital of what country?
c) What was the name of London in Roman times? - It was .................
d) Where is London situated?
e) Search in the internet three famous sites to visit in London and write the names and what kind of places they are.
4. Reading comprehension. Click here Copy the questions and answer them your notebook:
a) How many inhabitants are there in London?
b) London is the capital of what country?
c) What was the name of London in Roman times? - It was .................
d) Where is London situated?
e) Search in the internet three famous sites to visit in London and write the names and what kind of places they are.
That's all for today. See you next week.
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