dijous, 22 de novembre del 2012

4th eso diversificacio, 23rd November 2012

First of all, do part of the activities you didn't do last week. (primer, acabeu les activitats de la setmana passada. Recordeu que n'hi havia moltes i no es podien fer totes en un dia) Click here

Now, activities to check unit 2:

  • Present continuous. Click  in the numbers:
  1. Activity on -ing form for verbs. Click here. Click here too.
  2. Present continuous exercises. Do all of them. Write the mistakes in your notebook. Click here If you need more practice, click here.
  3. Present continuous or present simple. Click here (copy in your notebook the signal words for present simple and present continuous and translate them). Now, do this exercise.
  • Directions. Vocabulary. Click here and do all the activities there. Copy in your notebook the  new expressions and the mistakes in the sentences to correct.
  • Extra work. (voluntari per entregar si voleu una nota extra a tenir en compte a l'avaluació. Pots copiar els exercicis a un word i fer-los a casa. Demana'm els dubtes). Click here.

A video on present continuous. Click here

A game to finish . Click here.   And here.

That's all for today. See you next week.

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