diumenge, 1 de febrer del 2009

split lesson 4th eso E, 2nd February 2009

In this session we are going to work with the grammar and vocabulary contents of unit 4. To start with, you'll enter the page http://www.iesramonllull.net/ and select ' departaments´. Go to the English department and at the bottom side of the page you'll find `useful links ´and choose ' English grammar lessons´. When you enter there, do the following one: present perfect-past simple. Read the rules and copy some examples together with their explanation. Then do the five exercises there.
Now it's time to practise with grammar. Click naturalenglish in google. Select the pre-intermediate level and choose the section `natural English´. Go to unit 2 and do the vocabulary exercises on food and the wordbooster ( restaurant language and extreme adjectives). Then ,go to the puzzles section and do the one on fruit and vegetables. When you finish, check the answers.
Any time left go to the games section and choose the frog game 1 (irregular verbs) and the frog game 3 (verbs opposites) to enjoy with them. Good luck!

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