dissabte, 28 de febrer del 2009

Tuesday, 3rd March. Split lesson 1rEsoD.

Primer de tot, clica sobre la calculadora per resoldre el problema que vos he plantejat .
Ara, anem a fer unes activitats variades per repassar diferents continguts de gramàtica i vocabulari. Anem a començar amb els adjectius possessius, seguirem amb els plurals. i el present simple, and the present continuous.Ara revisarem l´ús de `some ´ and `any´.
I finalment farem unes activitats més entretengudes de vocabulari. Començarem amb vocabulari de menjar, de la ciutat, un shopping quiz, un exercici sobre el vocabulari de la família , un del temps i, per acabar, podeu fer aquest joc de caçar moscards i aquest altre. Esper que vos hagi passat ràpid aquesta classe. Fins aviat.

Solve the problem and explain the solution

INSTRUCTIONS: solve the following problem using the calculator, and write the result as a comment to this entry; you must write your name, the solution and a little explanation about how you have solved it.
PROBLEM: Old MacDonald has a farm, with seventeen cows, eight ducks and three pigs. How many paws has Old MacDonald in his farm?

dijous, 26 de febrer del 2009

Julia's activities for the 27th February 09

First of all, congratulations for being the best contestant of first of Eso. You've done really well. Now, it's time to prepare you for the 7th of March. Follow the instructions and copy in the notebook what you think it will be useful for you.
First, we´ll check the grammar points of the exam, the Wh- questions,
and the present simple and question words together.
Now, we'll work with a reading comprehension exercise.
Now, it's time to check prepositions.
What about a bit of vocabulary related to home
and furniture.
Vocabulary of adjectives to describe people
Words for the family
And a reading.
That's all for now. Good luck.

dimecres, 25 de febrer del 2009

Split lesson 1stbatxillerD. Friday 27th February 09

Today, we are going to check different contents with different and varied activities. Remember to click on the words underlined to do the different activities.
First of all we'll check the verbal tenses because there have been problems in the exam with this exercise, so copy this table in your notebook with the examples given.
Now, we'll check the conditionals with these exercises. Did you like the story?
We'll change now to something different with relative pronouns.

Now, it's time to check vocabulary of phrasal verbs,
and tv words.

Finally, we'll deal with the topic of tv with the BBC web. Take a look at the latest stories that happen in England ( pay attention to the news about the young woman called Jade Goody who is dying of cancer and selling her last days to the tv to get money for her children. You can find her story at the back part of the page on the right.What do you think of it?).Read about them and make a comment in your notebook about two of them.

Split lesson 1B Eso, Friday 27th February 09

Avui farem un poc de repàs de coses que heu fallat a l'examen combinat amb coses noves. Aneu clicant a les paraules remarcades per poder accedir a les diferents activitats. Primer, començarem repassat el genitiu saxó per possessius i els adjectius possessius. Continuarem amb els imperatius i amb el present simple. Ara introduirem uns continguts de la unitat 6 bastant senzills com són els plurals i els noms contables i incontables.
Ara passem al vocabulari dels aliments(copia al quadern el nom dels aliments i la traducció) i el menjar.(has d'escriure al quadern tres noms d'aliments de cada grup que hi apareix a la categoria de Food). Ara, fes una ullada a les verdures( escriu el nom de 8 verdures al quadern) i de les fruites (escriu 8 fruites al quadern amb la traducció).
Afegirem un memory de fruites.
Ara toca un joc diferent per acabar. Fins la setmana que ve.

split lesson 3rdC Thursday 26th February/5th March

Avui, treballarem amb continguts ja treballats en unitats anteriors vist que a l'examen no ho heu fet gaire bé i cal reforçar certes coses.
Aneu clicant sobre les paraules remarcades per accedir a les diferents activitats:
First, we'll check the use of past simple and past continuous ( ves a l'esquerra on marca els cursos i elegeix 3er d'Eso. Ves a la unitat 3 i clica sobre extension.).In the past continuous, read the explanation, write four examples in your notebook and do the first exercise.
Next, we'll check the use of `have to´(fes el mateix d'abans. Eligeix el curs de 3er d'Eso, ves a la unitat 4 i clica sobre el nombre de la unitat i surtiran les regles d´'us del have to.). Copy the rules in your notebook and do the exercise shown.
Now, it's time to check vocabulary about personality and a word search on irregular verbs.
It´s now time to introduce the use of the present perfect and the contrast with the past simple.
If you have finished all these exercises you can do a game or read about emotions.
That's all for today.See you!

dissabte, 21 de febrer del 2009

Split lesson 4rdEso E. Monday 23rd February

Primer de tot, avui , heu d'acabar les tasques pendents de la setmana passada.

Després, anireu clicant sobre les paraules subratllades en l'ordre en que estan i fereu les diferents activitats. Si teniu problemes o dubtes demaneu a la professora sense por.

Primer, veureu un video explicatiu dels comparatius.

A continuació fareu unes taules amb adjectius escrivint les formes de comparatius i ara ens assegurarem que els sabeu usar dins de frases.

Ara, a veure si contesteu bé aquestes cinc preguntes . Si ho heu superat, és hora de llegir un poc sobre el futbol i contestar unes preguntes sobre la lectura. Ara, seguim amb el tema del futbol un poc més(soccer quiz).

Una vegada fet això, anem a fer un test que és un desafiament als sentits, ja que és per adonar-nos que la percepció ens engana molt: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/senseschallenge/.

Què tal ha anat? Heu après alguna cosa nova? Vos heu divertit? Esper que sí.

Finalment, podeu fer aquests jocs:

dimarts, 17 de febrer del 2009

Split lesson 3rdEso C. Thursday 19th February.

Com que avui sereu només la meitat de la classe he preparat una sèrie d'activitats de repàs variades perque en treieu profit i, alhora, les trobeu entretengudes i passeu una bona estona. Per accedir a les activitats, aneu clicant sobre les paraules subratllades en l'ordre en que estan i aneu fent les diferents activitats. Si teniu problemes o dubtes demaneu a la professora sense por.
Primer, anem a repassar els comparatius i a assegurar-nos que els sabeu usar dins de frases. Ara, a veure si contesteu bé aquestes cinc preguntes .
Si heu superat la prova, anem a veure si recordeu com donar direccions i en un altre lloc del mapa. Si ho heu superat, és hora de llegir un poc sobre el futbol i contestar unes preguntes sobre la lectura. Ara, seguim amb el tema del futbol un poc més(soccer quiz).
Una vegada fet això, anem a fer un jochttp://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/senseschallenge/. Què tal ha anat? Heu après alguna cosa nova? Vos heu divertit? Esper que sí.

diumenge, 15 de febrer del 2009

Split lesson 4tE. Monday 16th February 2009

Today, first, we'll check the errors most of you have had in the exam. First of all, I want you copy in your notebooks the sentences that were in the exam with mistakes to correct. The coloured words are not right and I give you a clue to find the mistakes.Sentences:
a) She likes listen to music. b) Has you ever been in London? (auxiliary form)
c) She has gone out just. (word order) d) I used to went to my local primary school. (verb form)
e) I did my homework when the telephone rang. (long action in progress)
f) She wears a necklace at the moment. (action now) g) What she lost?
h) I've watched already this DVD. (word order) i) That song sound terrible.(3rd person sg.)
j) You must park your car in the parking. (vocabulary)

Now, you'll work the vocabulary of jobs and work using the different exercises here. First, we'll study the vocabulary of different jobs. Copy the jobs in your notebook in different lists, according to the suffix and do the exercise with the pictures of the different jobs. Add these ones in the list and do the exercise there. Next, you`ll do a reading comprehension. Write the answers in your notebook. And now, you''ll do a dialogue practice.
Now, it's time for a memory game. To end, you'll see an episode of how to apply for a job. Do the exercise one there.Did you understand everything? We'll continue talking about job interviews another day.Well, that's all for today.

dijous, 12 de febrer del 2009

split lesson 1stesoB . Friday 13th February

Avui farem repàs de les unitats 4 i 5 per preparar l'examen del dimarts. Aneu clicant sobre les paraules subratllades i fent les diferents activitats, a veure si van bé. Primer, anem a recordar el present continuu, continuarem amb una altra de present simple i continuu sobre l'ordre de paraules a les frases. Ara, practicarem amb el vocabulari del temps meteorològic i un joc al respecte dels adjectius que expressen quin temps fa.
Passem a la unitat 5. Primer de tot comprovarem si escoltareu N'Araceli quan va mostrar fotos de Londres amb el següent London quiz. Com ha anat? Esper que bé. Ara anem a veure com van les preposicions de lloc i a veure si situeu aquests llocs al mapa.
Per acabar, a la carpeta de ' links´ podeu fer els exercicis de la unitat 5 del llibre Oxford Spotlight 1 referits a la forma There is/there are si no la teniu clara. Si ja ho teniu clar, podeu fer el següent joc. Si teniu dubtes demaneu a les professores que vos atendran amablement com sempre. Esper que disfruteu la sessió.

diumenge, 8 de febrer del 2009

Split lesson 4eso E. Monday 9th February 09

Well, this week we have the exam, so we must take profit of this session to check the contents that will be present in it. To start with you can see a video explaining the use of the past simple and present perfect.
Now, you can click on the words underlined to do the different exercises related to past simple in the order given: first, one on Irregular verbs , next this exercise about questions in simple past, and later this test on simple past. Did you have good results? I hope so , don't hesitate to ask any doubts you have to the teacher. To continue with we'll do this exercise on present perfect, and another one on present perfect and past simple.
Now it's time to work with vocabulary. Do this dialogue about eating out and this food quiz. If you have extra time you can do this game activity Who's my Valentine?.
Any comment about the activities in this session, you can add a comment in this blog. Your participation is important to improve the results day after day. Thanks in advance.

dimecres, 4 de febrer del 2009

split lesson 4th eso D. Thursday 5th February09

In this session you are going to check some contents of unit 4 and work with contents of unit 5. Read the instructions carefully and enjoy the session.
First, you must click ' natural English´ and search in google. Then, select the pre-intermediate level and go to the unit 6 to work with comparatives and superlatives. Do the exercises and check the answers.
Next, go to this web page: www.iesramonllull.net. Select departments and choose the English department. Click there to enter. On the left of the page there are different levels. Choose the 4th of Eso level and check some contents of unit 4 and unit 5 to practise with them. Good luck! Enjoy the lesson and take profit of it.

Split lesson. 3rd eso C. Thursday 5th February.

Atention! Read the instructions carefully to know what you are going to do during the session today.

Split lesson 3rd Eso C. Thursday 5th February 2009

Computering Room 3. Miquel Bennasar/ Maria Barceló

This session will be used to check some contents of grammar and vocabulary. Follow these instructions to do the different activities:
First, click `natural English´ on internet to search the page of Oxford. Select the pre-intermediate level. Click on `grammar´ and go to the following units:
unit 2 . Exercise based on countable and uncountable nouns (a,some,much,many).
Ø Unit 5. Exercises based on : can, can’t , have to, don’t have to.
Ø Unit 7. Revision of past simple and past continuous.

Next, go to the puzzles section and choose the following unit:

Ø Unit 7. Do the wordsearch of irregular verbs.

Then, in the vocabulary section do the exercises of unit 13, related to appearance, personality, likes and dislikes and character.
Finally, go to the next web page: www.iesramonllull.net. Select ‘ departaments´ and enter `departament d’anglès´. In the page , at the bottom, there is a category called ‘ Inglés Mundial´ . There, in unit 3, the topic of `people´ will be present. There is basic vocabulary on describing people. Write down in your notebook the basic expressions and words and do the matching activity on descriptions (photos of people- descriptions). That's all for today, folks. I hope you have made profit of the session. To be continued................

diumenge, 1 de febrer del 2009

split lesson 4th eso E, 2nd February 2009

In this session we are going to work with the grammar and vocabulary contents of unit 4. To start with, you'll enter the page http://www.iesramonllull.net/ and select ' departaments´. Go to the English department and at the bottom side of the page you'll find `useful links ´and choose ' English grammar lessons´. When you enter there, do the following one: present perfect-past simple. Read the rules and copy some examples together with their explanation. Then do the five exercises there.
Now it's time to practise with grammar. Click naturalenglish in google. Select the pre-intermediate level and choose the section `natural English´. Go to unit 2 and do the vocabulary exercises on food and the wordbooster ( restaurant language and extreme adjectives). Then ,go to the puzzles section and do the one on fruit and vegetables. When you finish, check the answers.
Any time left go to the games section and choose the frog game 1 (irregular verbs) and the frog game 3 (verbs opposites) to enjoy with them. Good luck!

Here I am

Hi! I'm Maria de Bonany Barceló Femenías, your English teacher this year in Marratxí High School. I inform you that from this moment, I'll use my first blog to prepare the activities we'll do during our English sessions at the computering room . I'd like you to enjoy the different activities we'll do during the second and third evaluation. At the end of each evaluation, I would ask you to tell me your opinions and make any suggestions to improve the lessons. In fact, you must have an active part in your learning process, as well as to try to advance in your present level of English in order to improve it by the end of the course. I'm sure you'll discover new ways to learn English and another way to use internet for learning new languages, as it is a perfect tool for it. You must know I'm taking a distance course just now to learn to create my own blog, so maybe you'll find some mistakes or you'll be able to tell me any suggestions or ideas to improve the present blog in the next future. I'm trying to learn new aspects of new technologies to be able to use them in my daily teaching practice, as it is necessary and advisable. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

That's all for now folks. Have a nice English session!