divendres, 14 de gener del 2011

2nd Bachiller C, Monday 17th Jan. 2011

First of all, finish the exercises and activities you didn't do in the last sessions. Click here and here.

Now, you have more grammar exercises to practise the different contents we have studied in class:
Vocabulary exercises:
  • Shopping: 1 (you can listen to the dialogue with your headphones), 2 (another dialogue), 3( going to a fast-food restaurant model dialogue), 4 (very complete list of vocabulary, expressions and model dialogues. I advise you to take notes in your notebook if you are going to London. They can be very useful.)

Phonetics: try to do some exercises and quizzes here. Another web for you to practise. Click here.(odd one out),
That's all for today. See you next week.

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