divendres, 21 de gener del 2011

2nd Bachiller C. 24th January 2011

Today, you've got this hour to check the different contents of your exam. I advise you to practise some phonetics too.
First of all, many of you didn't come last day or didn't finish the activities I had prepared for you last week, so practise the last session contents. click here.
Here, you've got more links to practise:
  • Phonetics: 1, 2, 3.
  • Grammar: 1 (conjunctions quiz), 2 (the use of the article ), 3 (conditionals game), 4 (future tenses quiz), 5 (advanced grammar review quiz), 6 (conditionals quiz), 7 (active to passive), 8 (passive to active), 9 ( have something done)
  • Writing: 1 (common mistakes to take into account), 2 (a text about image), 3 ( a text with exercises to do on-line: comprehension, synonyms, grammar)
That's all for today. I hope this session to be useful for you. See you tomorrow.

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