diumenge, 30 de gener del 2011

1sB Mon. 31st Jan 2011/1sD Fri 4th Feb. 2011

This week we will start with activites of the new unit, working with vocabulary and grammar of unit 4.

  • Weather vocabulary: 1 (listen to the weather predictions and follow the right steps in the game), 2, 3, 4 ( copy in your little notebook the weather words and the seasons with the translation into Spanish or Catalan. Do the first two activities there), 5
  • Nationalities: 1, 2 (watch the videos and copy 5 countries and nationalities that are present in the videos), 3

Any time left, have a look at this video and see what is happening. Click here .
Aprofiteu bé la sessió i demaneu els dubtes a la professora. La propera setmana començarem a fer els examens orals durant aquesta hora i durant dues setmanes per tal de poder fer-los a tothom.
Atenció: aquesta propera setmana començarem amb el llibre de lectura. Farem una part a classe i una part a casa. Esteu atents!

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