dijous, 11 de novembre del 2010

3rd G Wednesday 17th Nov./ 3rd F Thursday 18th Nov,

This week we'll start with the oral exam in pairs. Pay attention to the teacher if she calls for you to do it. Do the exercises and follow the instructions. Don't disturb your classmates, please.
  • First, you must do the activities you didn't finish in the last sessions. Remember to write in your notebook what I ask you to do there. I'll mark your notebook next week. Click here to go to the last session.
Next, you can do these activities:
  • 1 ( exercise on question words). copy two questions in your notebook and invent an answer for them.
  • 2 ( short answers).

What do you think of comics? Would you like to create your own comic? Try it!

It's a different activity for you to do. Click here and impress me. Keep it in-alumnat-llengües estrangeres-anglès-3r eso- 3rF o 3rG - ( write your name, surname and comic when you save it) in the computer. It will have an extra mark for the evaluation.

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