dijous, 8 de maig del 2014

4th Diversificacio, Friday 8th May 2014

. First of all, please, finish the activities you didn't do last session. Click here.

Next, do these activities. We'll do an exam with these contents in a week.
  • Grammar. 
  1. Will. Click here. Copy in the notebook the chart of the Common mistakes.   
  2. Will/won't. Click here
  3. Going to. Click here
  4. Going to. Click here
  5. Going to. Click here (do exercise 2 in your notebook)
  6. Should/shouldn't for advice. Click here
  • Vocabulary.
  1. Click here (do test 1 and test 2 with verbs)
  2. Click here (jobs and places. Boarding game)
  3. Click here (vocabulary on food+exercises. Practise it.)
  4. Click here. Choose a Song and practise English with the activities on the song. Write in your notebook the title of the song, the singer and a comment about the song. )


         Click here and practise English with the Big Challenge

  1. Click here (verb to be, affirmative. Copy and translate 3 sentences)
  2. Click here (verb to be). Copy in your notebook the mistakes)
  3. Click here (have or has)
  4. Click here (reading/listening. Complete with the word. Write the text in your notebook)
  • Vocabulary. Do the same exercises as your classmates.Write down the new words in your notebook.
Friday 16th May.

  1.     Click here (verb have got. Copy in your notebook the text with the words and translate it-copia el text i tradueix-lo)
  2. Click here (wh- questions). Escriu al quadern una pregunta de cada amb la seva resposta)
  3. Vocabulary. Revision. Click here (easy descriptions)
  4. Vocabulary. Numbers. Click here   and   here

  •      Game. Click here (spin off game, basic level)
That's all for today. See you !

NEW CONTENTS FOR THE 16th MAY if you have finished everything:

Avui fareu les activitats on-line, només heu de copiar els usos de Will i Going to si no ho vàreu fer la setmana passada, ja que a l'examen haureu de fer un exercici d'usar una o l'altra forma.

  1. Unit -Ingles Mundial-  on line. Click here and do the activities of the unit on-line.(vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening comprehension). VALERIA i MIQUEL també.(part de vocabulari)
  2. Will/going to . An exercise using both forms. Click here. Remember the uses of Will and Going to. Write them in your notebook with an example of each.
  3. Vocabulary game. Click here
  4. A curious activity now, click here and discover what your name means.
  5. A funny video now. Click here
Have a nice weekend!

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