Today, you must pay attention to the oral exam and do your best. We are going to check translation because in the last exam there will be an exercise about translating sentences.
Write in your notebook these sentences and translate them . D0n't use the google translator if you don't want the result to be terrible.
a) Ma mare estava treballant ahir dematí a les onze.
b) Cóm véns a l'institut? - Jo vénc en autobus.
c) Hi ha una vall devora del nostre poble.
d) A casa hi ha una entrada, dos banys, quatre dormitoris, una cuina, una sala, un menjador, un petit jardí i una terrassa gran.
e) Vares anar al cinema el dissabte passat?- No, no hi vaig anar. Vaig estar a casa tot el dia.
f) Qué estaves fent ahir quan et vaig telefonar?- M'estava dutxant.
g) Are there any seas, oceans and rivers in South America?- Yes, there are.
h) The eagle was flying over the sky. I took a photo.
i) How often do you brush your teeth? - Twice a day.
j) What was he wearing at the party?- He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and black trainers.
k) ' The Simpsons' are funnier that ' Chin Chan'. In my opinion they are the best cartoon programme on tv.
Now, go to this web ( Select 2nd eso---unit 7---extension/extra help and do the activities there)
Remember you can do the comic of Gardfield if you want.
Have a nice session. See you next week.
Write in your notebook these sentences and translate them . D0n't use the google translator if you don't want the result to be terrible.
a) Ma mare estava treballant ahir dematí a les onze.
b) Cóm véns a l'institut? - Jo vénc en autobus.
c) Hi ha una vall devora del nostre poble.
d) A casa hi ha una entrada, dos banys, quatre dormitoris, una cuina, una sala, un menjador, un petit jardí i una terrassa gran.
e) Vares anar al cinema el dissabte passat?- No, no hi vaig anar. Vaig estar a casa tot el dia.
f) Qué estaves fent ahir quan et vaig telefonar?- M'estava dutxant.
g) Are there any seas, oceans and rivers in South America?- Yes, there are.
h) The eagle was flying over the sky. I took a photo.
i) How often do you brush your teeth? - Twice a day.
j) What was he wearing at the party?- He was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and black trainers.
k) ' The Simpsons' are funnier that ' Chin Chan'. In my opinion they are the best cartoon programme on tv.
Now, go to this web ( Select 2nd eso---unit 7---extension/extra help and do the activities there)
Remember you can do the comic of Gardfield if you want.
Have a nice session. See you next week.
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