dimarts, 21 de gener del 2014

4th Eso/Mòduls Voluntaris-Friday 24th January 2014

Hi students. First, please, if you couldn't finish the last session contents you have ten minutes now. No time left, do it at home.

Next, click here and do the exercises that are in this last year session.The games are optional only if you have extra time. (fes els exercicis en l'ordre que apareixen i segueix les instruccions. Al final de la classe mostra la feina feta a la professora)

  • Do also this exercise on There Was/there were. Click here

Ask any doubts to the teacher and try to work as much as you can.(demaneu tots els dubtes i feu la feina que se demana)

Alumnat de Mòduls Voluntaris-- remember we have an exam next Tuesday.

Estudiar: vocabulari i gramàtica del tema 3 i repassar el present simple i continuu.

Have a nice session. 

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