divendres, 24 de setembre del 2010

3rd eso F/G Thursday 30th September 2010

This is our last session this month. I want you , first, to finish the activities (song activities and games. Solange and Delia too) you didn't do last week.

Now, I'm going to give you some entertaining and varied activities to do:

You'll need your headphones to do this game. Click here ( listen to the times. You have only two minutes to guess all the times). Continue with your headphones on to do this one.

Try this one. Click here

A QUIZ. ( Solange and Delia too)
What about a quiz now? Choose one quiz . Click here or here . Write the result in your notebook and any comment you want to observe.

It's time to watch a video. Select one.Click here or here. Watch it and then write a comment about it ( two or three lines).

Write a short opinion about the contents of this session in your notebook or send a comment.
Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not? Was it difficult for you? Have you got any suggestion to do?
Have a nice weekend and see you next week.

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