dijous, 16 de setembre del 2010

1st eso D/ 1st eso B . Friday 17th and Monday 20th September 2010

Today it is your first lesson in the computers' room. I will check help you if you have problems. You must read the instructions carefully and click on the numbers to do the activities.
Green colour: to do it in the notebook ( I will give you one little notebook for the computer sessions). If you have doubts, ask the teacher.

Click on the numbers and follow the instructions:

  • 1 ( listen to the song and practise with the alphabet), 2 ( another song for the alphabet).

3 ( write five english words and click on `test me´ for you to listen to their pronuntiation)

  • 4 (numbers from one to twenty. Listen to the pronuntiation. Write the numbers in the notebook), 5 ( numbers crossword).

  • copy in your little notebook ten names of objects in the class ( vocabulary activities) with its translation into Spanish or Catalan. Click here and
  • here to do it: 6 (list of words and practice).

  • Games: 7 (hangman), 8 ( Haunted House Game)
That's all for today. Esper que vos hagi agradat. See you next week.

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