diumenge, 27 d’abril del 2014

2nd D and 2nd C, week 5th to 9th May 2014

Today you'll practise doing a IAQSE exam of English that was done 2 years ago by 2nd of Eso students. The one you will do next week in class, will be similar to this one. Follow the instructions and then show it to the teacher.Ask for any doubts.

Practise the IAQSE test now. Do it concentrated on the task:

  • Click here( ( aneu a les proves d'anglès i feu-les. Trieu el model 1,2 ó 3. Comenceu a fer la prova a un full on escriureu les respostes. Quan acabeu doneu-ho a la professora. Useu els auriculars per a fer el listening. Si teniu problemes per a fer-lo a classe ho haureu de fer a casa i mostrar a la professora les respostes escrites al quadern. Demaneu els dubtes mentres ho feu.)

Any time left, do these activities.

GAMES. Tired to work too much: Click here (try to guess the mobile messages. Game)
                                       Click here  (concentration game. To learn and practise vocabulary)

Optional . A song. Click here (video of the song). Enjoy the silence. Depeche Mood. I think it is a nice song and easy to understand. What can you see in the video?
                               Now, try to do the exercises on the song. Click here. If you do them, give them to the teacher to be marked and you'll have an extra mark for the evaluation.

That's all for today. See you next week.

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