diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2012

2nd eso F Monday 27th February 2012

If you want to do your presentation for the oral exam do it now. Gabriella is coming to make you talk and help you if you need her help. I will start with the oral exams today.
If you didn't finish last week activities, do them today.
9: 50 h. students.Do this treasure hunt. The teacher will give you a sheet of paper to write the answers and questions. You will get marked. Click here. ( THE SIMPSONS)
If you have extra time, do the activities of SEUR STUDENTS.

SEUR STUDENTS. If you finished everything, do these activities: Click here.

Fanny, Raul. 
Si no vareu acabar les activitats acabeu-les. Si ja les vàreu acabar i teniu al quadern el que se vos demanava, cliqueu aquí. ( fes totes les activitats de la unitat 1 i apunta al quadern una frase de cada exercici i la puntuació que tens.
Quan acabis, clica aquí i revisa el verb to have got que entrarà a l'examen de la setmana que ve Ara clica aquí i fes l'exercici. Ara clica aquí i fes aquest altre exercici.
Ara un joc per acabar. Clica aquí.
Això és tot per avui. Aprofiteu bé els dies de festa.
See you next week.

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