dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011

3rdF Thursday 2nd June 2011

This is our last lesson of the year and you must check the contents of unit 8 and do some revision too.
  • To start with, you can check different contents clicking here: 1. Answer the questions of the reading in your notebook.
  • First conditional now. Do these exercises: 1, 2.
  • More revision of VERBAL TENSES now: 1 ( do at least one exercise of each category)
  • You can try this challenge now: 1 ( THE BIG CHALLENGE)
That's all for today. See you in class.

1st B Monday 6th June 2011

Abans de res, acabeu les tasques pendents de la setmana anterior. Click here

Ara feu aquestes activitats de repàs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

diumenge, 29 de maig del 2011


Avui comencem amb el tema dels PAST SIMPLE.

  • Ara un joc per veure si ho heu entés. Click here.
  • continuarem amb el video de la unitat 8 per tenir una idea.
  • An exercise now: 1.
  • A video now: 2
That's all. See you in class.

1st B Mon 30Th May/ 1st D Fri 3rd June

Avui seguirem amb els exàmens orals. Queda poc per acabar el curs, així que concentreu-vos en la tasca a fer. La setmana que ve vos posaré nota als quadernets d'informàtica. Aquesta setmana és la darrera per poder entregar el quadern i workbook, sinó serà un `zero´, vosaltres mateixos, ja vos he avisat massa vegades. Ara seguiu les instruccions atentament.

  • Primer, acabeu les tasques de la setmana passada. Click here.
  • Ara, feu aquestes activitats del meu primer d'eso de l'any passat seguint les instruccions. Click here.
Això ja és més que suficient. Si feu el repte ja em direu com vos ha anat.
Enjoy the session.

dilluns, 23 de maig del 2011

PDI SESSION 1st D Tue. 24th May/ 1sty B Fri 25th May 2011

First, we'll finish the activities we couldn't do last week. HEre.

Next, we'll watch the video of the unit. Spotlight video and comment it.

Some exercises to do now:
  • 1 ( there is/are/there was/were),
  • 2 ( questions to practise),
  • 3 (questions in present and past)

A video song: 1 (do you know the singer? And the song?)

A video cartoon: 2 ( Mr Bean at the restaurant)

What about your songs now?

3rd G Wed. 25th May/ 3rd F Thu 26th May

First, finish the activities you couldn't do last time. Click here.

TODAY we'll start with the ORAL EXAMS , so pay attention and don't disturb your classmates, please.

We are finishing this course and I think you need to check the contents of the course to prepare yourselves for the final exam, that will be quite complete.

REVISION for the exam: 1 ( this web contains many useful grammar and vocabulary exercises, so practise them. Take notes in your notebook. ( one comment or one sentence of each exercise )

More revision activities to do on-line: 1 (choose the contents you need to check)

You can also do exercises on grammar extension ( unit 7 ) in this web.

Any time left, game and CINEMA activities:

  • 1 ( past participles crossword),
  • 2 ( movie trailers listening exercises),
  • 3 (series with exercises and projects to do).
That's all for today. See you next week. Enjoy the session.

divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

1sB Mon 23rd May/ 1sD Fri 27th May 2011

Esteu atents que avui comencem els examens orals de l'avaluació. Els primers seran els alumnes voluntaris i durant avui i la setmana que ve ho fareu tots. Per favor, no molesteu per poder tenir concentració tant els que feu els exercicis on-line com els que feu l'examen oral. Gràcies.

Comencem a repassar per l'examen final. Feu aquestes activitats de repàs de les primeres unitats i anoteu al quadernet un comentari, frase o el que vos hagi anat malament de cada exercici.Esforceu-vos, queden poques setmanes ja.

I ara ves a aquesta web i practica exercicis de la unitat 7. Recorda triar el nivell de 1r Eso.

diumenge, 15 de maig del 2011

PDI session 1st D Tue 17th May/ 1st B Fri 20th May

Let's practise with unit 7 contents.

  • Grammar: 1 (was/were), 2 (explanation and exercises past tense verb to be), 3 (was/were in questions), 4 ( there was/there were).
  • Have a look at this song and video: 1 ( Do you understand the chorus part?)
  • Vocabulary: 1 ( ordinal numbers), 2 (matching ordinal numbers), 3 ( school subjects and objects), 4 ( oral comprehension/ school timetable)

  • Games: 1 ( Repeater), 2 (school hangman), 3 (food hangman)

1st B Mon 16th May/ 1stD Fri 20th May

1st B/ 1st D. Els qui no varen acabar les activitats de la sessió anterior les han d'acabar avui.
Cliqueu aquí per acabar les activitats. Els de 1D les heu de fer totes.

Continueu després amb les activitats que segueixen .

Els pocs que acabàreu, teniu aquí unes activitats per anar fent. Recordeu d'anotar al quadernet una frase de cada exercici i els problemes que hi heu trobat.

  • vocabulari: 1 ( fes els dos exercicis referits a school subjects and school objects), 2 (crossword on ordinal numbers), 3 ( ordinal numbers), 4 ( basic adjectives), 5 ( ordinal numbers)

  • Reading : 1
  • Games: 1, 2( basketball)
That's all for today. See you next week.

dissabte, 7 de maig del 2011

2nd Bachiller C, Monday 9th May 2011

  • We are in the last weeks of this course. Make an effort and good luck. Here you have a list of exercises that will be useful for you before the exam. Ask the teacher for any doubt. Concentrate and do your best.

  • Links for you to check grammar: 1 (rewriting conditionals), 2 (rewriting conditionals, mixed), 3 (relative clauses), 4 (relative clauses again), 5 ( verbal tenses), 6 (gerund or infinitive?), 7 ( gerund or infinitive?), 8 ( reported speech), 9 (passive to active), 10 ( I wish/ If only with quite good explanations and an exercise to practise. Do it), 11 (have/get something done).
  • A USEFUL LINK NOW: Click here.
  • This is the web of our student's book. Click here.
I hope you have had time to practise a lot. Good luck in your exams.

Have a nice week. See you in class!

3rd F Thu 12th May 2011

Today we'll practise present perfect With `Already, yet, since, for, just´ and we'll check some contents by means of games.

To start with, grammar with present perfect exercises: 1 ( write the explanation in your notebook and copy one sentence of each use. Do the exercise on -line), 2 ( present perfect or past simple? copy in your notebook the mistakes you do), 3,

More exercises with present perfect: 4 ( read the examples and then do the exercise `check your understanding´. For/since ), 5 (explanation of yet/already with prest. perfect and exercises on for/since)
Exercise on present perfect with yet/already: 6

Now, revision exercises by means of GAMES. Click here.

That's all for today. See you next week.

1sB Mon 9th May 2011

Welcome to a new session. First, we'll check some contents and next we'll work with contents of unit 7.
Recorda escriure una frase de cada exercici al quadern i anota qualsevol paraula que vulguis tenir al quadernet.

Revision exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

El tema 7 ve a ser un repàs de coses fetes a primària, tant de vocabulari com de gramàtica. Fes aquests exercicis i demana a la professora si tens dubtes:

Grammar: 1 (abans de fer l'exercici llegeix l'explicació del verb to be en passat.), 2 (Copia la gramàtica explicativa, tant les formes del verb to be en passat com els adverbis de temps amb la traducció al català o castellà. Després fes els exercicis on line.)

Vocabulary: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ( copy 8 words of class objects in your little notebook and translate the words)
That's all for today. See you next week.
El que no tenguis temps de fer avui ho faràs la setmana que ve. Recorda a quin exercici t'has quedat. Aprofita bé el temps ja que queda poc per acabar el curs i no és agradable haver d'estudiar durant l'estiu.

Clara. Activities for you. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9