divendres, 11 de març del 2011

1st B Monday 14th March 2011

Els estudiants que teniu sessions sense completar heu d'acabar les tasques dels dies marcats al vostre quadernet. Aquells que esteu al dia i no vos falta res podeu fer aquestes activitats.

ATENCIÓ: Si voleu revisar activitats per l'examen podeu clicar aquí. ( feu exercicis de present continuous, present simple, there is/are and vocabulary of units 1 to 5).

Harry Potter's treasure hunt. Answer the questions and do the wordsearch. Click here.

Now, complete also these sentences about Harry Potter.

a) There are ___________ films about Harry Potter and ________ novels.

b) The writer of Harry Potter's novels is a woman. Her name .........................................

c) Harry Potter has got __________ hair and ___________ eyes.

d) Harry Potter's enemy is .........................................

Any time left, do one of these GAMES: 1 (spies game), 2 (spies items vocab. game), 3 (find the six differences), 4 ( Alien hangman), 5 (memory ball games)

That's all for today. Have a nice week. Good luck with your exams.

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