dijous, 31 de març del 2011

2nd bachiller C, Monday 4th April 2011

Today we'll check grammar and phonetics.
But first, we'll check some contents you had problems with in the last exam.

  • First, we'll start with conditionals. Click here. (select at least two exercises to do depending on your needs).
  • Next, reported speech. Click here. ( special verbs). Click here (select the exercises you need).
  • Passive sentences. Click here.
  • Unit 5 grammar. Relative clauses. Click in the numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Specific final sound `s´. Click here. You can practise with the other exercises too.
-Ed ending in regular verbs, past form. Click here. (take notes in your notebook), next do this activity.
Now, click here and practise with different sounds exercises. Click here too if you prefer this web.
That's all for today. See you in two weeks.

divendres, 25 de març del 2011

pdi session 3rd eso F/G 29th March and 1st week April

  • Comparatives: watch this scene of the film Alice in the Wonderland and do the activities all together. Click here.
  • Vocabulary unit 6. Extreme sports: 1 ( write the vocabulary in your notebook with the translation of the words into Spanish or Catalan)

  • Present perfect- Explanation: slideshare presentation. Click here.

Some exercises to practise now: 1, 2

  • Other contents: mixing tenses: 1 ( present, past or present perfect), 2 ( describing a person).
Game: 1 ( a test to do).

Let's practise a listening together now: click here

3rd G Wedn 30th March/ 3rd F Thu 31st March 2011

Today we'll check first some contents of unit 5 and then we'll start with unit 6 contents.
Grammar revision unit 5: 1 (comparatives/ copy the exercise in your notebook), 2 (comparatives and superlatives together), 3 ( a 5 questions test),
4 ( Giving directions), 5 ( copy the text and the map in your notebook. Directions), 6 ( too or enough exercise), 7 ( too/enough exercise)

Unit 6: Explanation of present perfect. Click here ( copy the uses and one example of each use in your notebook. Form: have/has + past participle, next do the exercise on-line).

Are you tired now?

So, time to do a quiz. It will take you 10 minutes and it's quite interesting. SENSES CHALLENGE.Click here.

A game to finish. Click here. ( The letter game).

That's all for today. See you next week.

diumenge, 20 de març del 2011

2nd Bachiller C, Monday 21st March 2011

Today you'll check some contents and will work with phonetics.

Click here to do the activities.

Go to the Oxford web and practise too. Click here. Ask the teacher for the password.
Another useful web to practise different contents. Click here.

PHONETICS: webs to practise phonetics: 1 ( esl tower), 2, 3 ( cambridge web).

That's all for today. Try to do your best.

divendres, 11 de març del 2011

1st B Monday 14th March 2011

Els estudiants que teniu sessions sense completar heu d'acabar les tasques dels dies marcats al vostre quadernet. Aquells que esteu al dia i no vos falta res podeu fer aquestes activitats.

ATENCIÓ: Si voleu revisar activitats per l'examen podeu clicar aquí. ( feu exercicis de present continuous, present simple, there is/are and vocabulary of units 1 to 5).

Harry Potter's treasure hunt. Answer the questions and do the wordsearch. Click here.

Now, complete also these sentences about Harry Potter.

a) There are ___________ films about Harry Potter and ________ novels.

b) The writer of Harry Potter's novels is a woman. Her name .........................................

c) Harry Potter has got __________ hair and ___________ eyes.

d) Harry Potter's enemy is .........................................

Any time left, do one of these GAMES: 1 (spies game), 2 (spies items vocab. game), 3 (find the six differences), 4 ( Alien hangman), 5 (memory ball games)

That's all for today. Have a nice week. Good luck with your exams.

3rG Wed. 16th March/ 3rd F Thu. 17th March.

Today you are going to do some tasks in pairs and your teacher will give you the answers' sheet for you to complete. When you finish, give it to the teacher with your names and you will be marked.
Good luck.
These are the webs you will need to answer the questions and complete the tasks.

1. Guinness records web. Click here.

2. Forbes list. The world's richest people. Click here.

3. The top 10 niniature animals. Click here.

4.MUSIC. The most influential videos of all time. Have a look. You can find it curious. Choose one and write your opinion on it. Click here.

Any time left, try this game. Click here. ( forming correct or incorrect words with suffixes. spin wheel). Try this one too.

That's all for today. See you next week. Have a nice weekend and good luck with your exams.

dilluns, 7 de març del 2011

2nd Bachiller C, Monday 7th March

Let's check some contents today.
Click here ( tips for PAU exam. Read them carefully and take notes)

Click here now ( remembering - used to, be used to, get used to).

Other grammar exercises: 1 ( many exercises to choose: verbal tenses, reported speech, modal verbs...).

Vocabulary now: 1 ( vocabulary quiz), 2 ( a crossword), 3 ( confusing words), 4 ( prepositional phrases quiz), 5 ( phrasal verbs and their meanings).

One optional text for you to do at home if you want to practise. It is not exactly as the ones in Majorca but it is useful for you to do. Click here if you want to do it.

That's all for today. See you!