dissabte, 13 de febrer del 2010

1st C, Wednesday 17th February 2010

Primer de tot, si teniu tasques inacabades de la setmana passada, acabeu-les.
A continuació repassarem un poc el present simple, ja que seguiu tenint moltes errades quan feu exercicis orals i escrits .
- Present simple: 1 (llegeix el text, fes el comprehension quiz i també els exercicis de davall sobre `form´ i `use´). Escriu al quadern una frase de cada exercici.
- Present continuous: 1 (apunta al quadern la teva puntuació), 2 (escriu una pregunta al quadern), 3.
Mira aquest video i copia al quadern dues preguntes i dues respostes de la part final, en que tu ho has de fer:

I ara una cançó per practicar el present continu.
Lyrics: It's raining again Oh no, my love's at an end. Oh no, it's raining again and you know it's hard to pretend. Oh no, it's raining again Too bad I'm losing a friend. Oh no, it's raining again Oh will my heart ever mend. Oh no, it's raining again You're old enough some people say To read the signs and walk away It's only time that heals the pain And makes the sun come out again It's raining again Oh no, my love's at an end. Oh no, it's raining again Too bad I'm losing a friend. C'mon you little fighter No need to get uptighter C'mon you little fighter And get back up again Oh get back up again Fill your heart again...
Click here to listen to the song.
Games: 1, 2

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