dissabte, 19 de desembre del 2009

2ndbatx B, Tuesday 22nd December 09

This is our last lesson this year, so we'll do a mixture of different activities.
First, we'll check passive sentences to see if you have understood the contents of unit 6.
Click here and now check them with these exercises: 1, 2, 3.

Next, you can check general knowledge with this revision exercise(conjuctions) and this other exercise (read the theory and do the next exercise)

Phonetics: you can practise with these exercises: 1, 2, 3

Now it's time to do some christmas activities. 1, 2, 3(memory game. Try to do it in no more than 30 seconds.)

If you want, in you tube you can find different versions of christmas carols. I recommend you one of Eminem.
For those who have problems when organizing paragraphs in compositions I recommend you to go to this web: www.english-zone.com , select the `writing zone´ and read the section of `paragraph writing´trying to practise with the tasks given.
It's time to go. I hope you:
Have nice Christmas holidays. See you next year.

dimarts, 15 de desembre del 2009

2nd F/2nd G Thursday 17th/Friday 18th December 09

Today you have this lesson to prepare the music project (see explanation and instructions in the blog. Session of 10th/11th dec).

The last 15 minutes you can do these christmas activities: 1, 2 ( vocabulary+1st exercise moving the arrow ahead).
activity 3. Some games related with christmas.

Now, this is a web where you can find ideas to print your own calendar for the new year if you want. Choose a topic and try to do it at home. Have a nice weekend. See you next week in class.

1sc Wednesday 16th December 09

Avui farem una primera part de tasca `dura´ i després algunes activitats de nadal. Ara, els qui no varen arribar a la part d`Anglaterra la setmana passada ho han de fer el primer de tot seguint les instruccions que hi ha (sessió de 9 de desembre).

Els qui ja ho feren, poden fer aquestes altres activitats: 1, 2, 3

Now, it's time to do some christmas activities

1, 2, 3, 4, 5(copy 8 of these words and meanings in your notebook/ optional).

Es hora d'escoltar una coneguda nadalenca. Click here .
Una nadalenca en video

To finish a cartoon christmas video. Que ho disfruteu. See you next year in the computers room.

dimarts, 8 de desembre del 2009

2nd F Thursday 10th Dec/2nd G Friday 11th Dec. 09

Hi, everybody. This week is a bit short, so you must make an effort today.

We are going to start with comparative and superlative forms of adjectives.

  • First, copy the rules in your notebook adding an example for each rule.

  • Then , do the exercise of `test your knowledge´ in the same web and in the section of `More Activities´ do the one on `comparative adjectives´, `superlative adjectives´ and the first on `comparatives´. Ok. We leave it now. We'll follow next week.

It's time to start a mini project using the web. The title is `That's a fantastic song´.

You have to search for a song in the web, in English, of course. Follow these instructions:

  • Copy the lyrics starting a `word document´/ open office document. ( keep it in the folder `Formació/Alumnes/ ) or keep it in your pen-drive if you have taken it.

  • Add some information about the band or singer who sings this song, the title of the song,

  • why you like it. Explain your reasons and opinion.

  • key words or expressions translated into Spanish or Catalan

  • 5 pictures of symbols or things that are essential in the song.( you can draw them or find images in the web and insert them in your document)
Don't forget to write your name, course and group in the document. You can send it to me by e-mail : mbbarcelo@iesmarratxi.org.

If you can't finish it this week, next week you'll have some time to do it. Enjoy the activity!

1st Eso, split lesson 9th November 09

Hi everybody. This is what we are going to do today:

Recordau anotar al quadernet un comentari de cada exercici (problemes, puntuació, dubtes,...)

Revision verb to be/have got: 1, 2.

Possessive `s/possessive adjectives : 1. 2.

Present simple: 1 ( llegeix les explicacions. Copia al quadern la forma negativa i interrogativa. Mira el video i fes els sis exercicis. )

Ara passem a un contingut cultural The Great Britain.

Ves a aquesta web. Mira atentament el mapa de les Illes Britàniques i contesta les preguntes dels exercicis. Copia al quadern aquestes preguntes. Ara consulta també aquesta altra web i podras trobar les respostes. Escriu-les a continuació de les preguntes:

a) Which countries are part of the United Kingdom and which are their capital cities?
b) Which countries are part of Great Britain?
c) Is Great Britain the same as the United Kingdom?Explain it.
d) Where is the United Kingdom?
e) What colours has got the UK flag? What is its name?

Si et sobra temps pots triar algun joc d'aquesta mateixa web
o fer una d'aquestes activitats de vocabulari: 1 (hangman on numbers), 2 ( Alien Quest).

That's all folks! See you next week.

diumenge, 6 de desembre del 2009

Halloween activities we did this year.

Hi Hieverybody! I know it's December now but I promised to publish some of the photos I took while you were doing the chocolate cookies in class and during the Halloween quiz we did another day during the last week of October. I have attached a photo of the cookies we did. The result, as you can see, was fantastic, although you were anxious to eat them, so I had little time to take a photo of the biscuits .

First of all, here you have the recipe.I'm happy because some of you tried to cook the cookies at home and you told me there had been a success

Chocolate biscuits
1 egg
100/125 grams of margarine or butter
100 grams of sugar
3 or 4 tablespoons of milk
40 grams of cocoa powder
185 grams of plain flour
half teaspooon of baking powder(optional)
Optional: nuts, cinnamon, vanilla extract...

Preparation: put the margarine in the microwaves oven for 30 seconds .Next, add the sugar to the margarine. After that, add the egg and the other ingredients mixing them together for some minutes. Then, using two spoons put the pastry on a large dish or bowl separating the different biscuits a bit. You can decorate them if you want. The oven must be turned on some minutes before and when you put the biscuits in the oven, the temperature will be more or less 200/180grades for about ten minutes. The last two minutes, if necessary, the oven will be at 160 grades.

Secondly, you also enjoyed these sessions and your participation was really great! This is an example of students of 1st eso during the Halloween quiz session we did and an example of a mask you prepared in class. The other photo shows students of 2nd Eso preparing the cookies.

Thank you to everybody for your enthusiasm and active collaboration. The result was very gratifying for me and also for you as you told me later. You enjoyed so much! This is the spirit I want you to have. I finished that week really exhausted but it was really motivating for me as a teacher to have such a good answer to these programmed activities.