dijous, 25 d’abril del 2013

4th eso Divers. Friday 26th April 2013

Let's check the new contents seen in class first, and then we'll check the contents of your next exam.

1. New vocabulary of unit 5. Transport. Click here (escriu les paraules noves al quadern i també de l'exercici  3 definicions i el transport a que es refereixen) ,   here  and here (transport words and prepositions used)

2. New grammar contents. Click here,  here   and here (fes aquests exercicis a un full que et donarà la professora i entrega'ls-hi al final de la classe- feina per dimarts 30th April a classe)

3. Going to or will : click here  and here


Vocabulary. Activities to do: click here (write in your notebook 4 activities you can do at home and 4 activities you do outside)


  •  Regular verbs. Click here 
  • Irregular verbs: click here ( a very complete task)
  • Questions in past simple. Click here (read the theory and do the exercises 1,2 on past simple questions)  and here (write 4 questions and the answers in your notebook)
That's all for today. See you next week.

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