diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012

2nd F/2nd E week 4th to 8th June

Ok, this is our last complete session in the computer room, so we are going to introduce contents of unit 8, but first you have to finish the exercises you had in the last session. Remember to show me the last exercise in that session ( you had to do it in the notebook, it is an exercise similar to one that will be in the exam)

Introducing - going to and contents of units 7 and 8

  • 1 (reading comprehension. Going to. Using going to for plans and intentions. Read the text and  Answer the questions in your notebook)
  • 2 (practise vocabulary of units 7 and 8 as well as grammar of other units) ( Joan, Raúl, Manoli, Camí i Christian podeu revisar el vocabulari amb aquesta web)
  • 3 (must/mustn't. Obligation and prohibition. Do 5 sentences of exercise one and 5 exercises of exercise 3 in your notebook)

Some games now:
  • 1 ( space game)
  • 2  ( The Big Challenge)
  • 3  ( shopping list game)
  • 4 ( a mind mathematical game)
That's all for today. Have a nice week!