dissabte, 31 d’octubre del 2009

Chocolate biscuits

1 egg
100/125 grams of margarine or butter
100 grams of sugar
3 or 4 tablespoons of milk
40 grams of cocoa powder
185 grams of plain flour
half teaspooon of baking powder(optional)
Optional: nuts, cinnamon, vanilla extract...
Preparation: put the margarine in the microwaves oven for 30 seconds .Next, add the sugar to the margarine. After that, add the egg and the other ingredients mixing them together for some minutes. Then, using two spoons put the pastry on a large dish or bowl separating the different biscuits a bit. You can decorate them if you want. The oven must be turned on some minutes before and when you put the biscuits in the oven, the temperature will be more or less 200/180grades for about ten minutes. The last two minutes, if necessary, the oven will be at 160 grades.

diumenge, 25 d’octubre del 2009

2nd F, 2nd G, 29th / 30th October 09

This week is Halloween, so we are going to do some Halloween activities during half of the lesson today.
To start with, you can practise some contents of unit 2:

Present continuous: 1, ( ves adalt a l'esquerra, a la pàgina de l'IES Politècnic, cerca el nivell de 2n d'Eso , la unitat 2 i fes els dos primers exercicis de present continuous).

Ara repassa amb aquests exercicis: objects pronouns (copia tres frases al quadern), present simple (copia cinc preguntes i respostes al quadern).

Passam a les activitats de Halloween:quiz , links+video,( to learn a bit more about Halloween) scary trailers (have a look at some of them and write your opinion on one of them), hangman and some recipes.

That's all for today. I hope you've enjoyed the session. See you next week.

Wednesday, 28th October, 1stC/ Wednesday

Avui farem unes activitats sobre el nou tema i altres de repàs, a més d'activitats de Halloween.

Activitats a fer: 1 ( ves adalt a l'esquerra a la pàgina del politècnic, ves a 1er d'eso al tema 1 i practica dos exercicis de majúscules. Al tema dos practica tots els continguts que hi ha, al menys tres exercicis de cada escrivint una frase de cada exercici al quadern. Recorda escriure la data d'avui, el nombre de l'exercici i de què és).
Els darrers quinze minuts pots fer aquestes activitats:
Halloween activities: 1 , 2, 3 .
T'ha agradat veure el video sobre Halloween? I aprendre un poc més sobre aquesta festa?

I ara, per acabar un video de broma

Bé, fins la setmana que ve.

4th B , Monday 26th October 09

Today, we are going to do contents of unit 2, so go to this web (iesramonllull) and practise the exercises of unit 2 (extension/extra help), for 4th eso level. Remember to practise past simple and past continuous, used to and some vocabulary activities. Write in your notebook any words or sentences to help you when you study at home.

The last twenty minutes, do these Halloween activities: 1(section Halloween, quiz), 2 (have a look at three trailers, write the names of the films and describe what you see and your opinion and feelings about the trailers. Did you get really scared?)
Now, have a look at this (parody of a famous horror movie).

Did you like it? Have you seen the film by Mel Brooks? It's really good.

That's all for today, folks.

dimecres, 21 d’octubre del 2009

split lesson 2nF Thursday 22nd Oct./ 2nd G Friday 23rd Oct.

Here we are again. Today we are going to check some contents and also to introduce new contents of unit 2.

present simple: 1, 2, 3, 4
Question words: 1, 2, 3
Mixed grammar exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Vocabulary: 1, 2, 3( listen to the pronuntiation of the different musical instruments), 4 (do all the activities in this page).
Games/ funny activities: 1, 2, 3

That's all for today.
Remember to write at least one sentence of each exercise or new words you learn in the vocabulary exercises.
Enjoy the session.

dilluns, 19 d’octubre del 2009

1st C Wednesday 21st October 09

Una vegada corregits els examens, me n'he adonat que cal repassar algunes coses:
Recorda d'escriure una frase de cada exercici al quadern.
Verb to be: 1, 2
Verb have got: 1 ,2 , 3
Mixed exercises: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Funny activities: 1 , 2, 3 , 4

Això és tot per avui. Bona sessió.

diumenge, 18 d’octubre del 2009

4thB Eso. Monday 19th October 09

Once I've corrected the exam I think it is important to check some contents as the following ones:
Present simple, present continuous, present tenses, wh- words, pronouns ,easy prepositions, time clauses, auxiliaries and pronouns, gerunds ...
So, pay attention to the board and do some of the exercises of this web.
When you finish, the last minutes, you can do these funny activities.
1. things people wear
2. descriptions.(names of places in the city. Look at the pictures and learn new words.
Have a nice session.

dilluns, 12 d’octubre del 2009

Per N'aina, Clara, Paula, Anglela i Jordi

Primer, començarem amb les activitats per les majors( Aina i Clara) a veure que tal van. Per favor, apuntau a un full de cada exercici les errades comeses (score) i en xerrarem a la propera classe.
Present simple: 1, 2, 3
Verb have got: 1, 2
Vocabulary: 1, 2 , 3.
Funny activities: 1, 2, 3, 4.

I ara una cançoneta

Tradueix aquestes frases de la cançó al quadern:
-you can brush my hair.
-Come on Barbie .
-I'm a blond girl .
-You're my doll .
I ara el video de la cançó

Ara els menuts(Paula, Jordi i Angela). Aquí hi ha unes activitats per ells.

1, 2, 3.
Fins aviat

diumenge, 11 d’octubre del 2009

1stC. Wednesday 14th October 09

Hi everybody!
Avui toca repassar per l'examen, així que feu les tasques i demaneu els dubtes al professor/-a. Copieu una frase de cada exercici i els exemples que considereu oportuns :
Verb to be: 1, 2(exercises 1,2), 3, 4
Verb have got: 1, 2, 3, 4
Possessives/ Genitive: 1, 2
There is/there are: 1, 2
Capital letters: 1
vocabulary: 1, 2, 3 , 4,
Games: 1, 2.
Esper que hagi anat tot bé. Fins aviat.

2nd F, Thursday 15th October.

Time to check contents of units 0,1 to prepare the exam.
First, to start:

do the exercises prepared in this web for 2ndA/B by Xisca. Write the answers of the text in your notebook .
Now, practise grammar :
Present simple: 1, 2.
Question words: 1,(do the two exercises), 3.
Vocabulary: 1, 2(game/memory), 3
Capital letters and punctuation: 1, 2(exercise 10)
Object pronouns: 1, 2
Funny activities: 1, 2, 3
Now, any time left, watch this video
As you can see, sometimes it is difficult to pronounce words in English. Try to do your best. See you next week.

dimecres, 7 d’octubre del 2009

2ndG eso, Friday 16th October

For those who have finished all the tasks here you have some more to do:
Do these activities from this web
present simple: exercises 1,3,4,7/game 1
-question words: exercises 1,2,3.
-adverbs of frequency:exercises 1,3.
- activities: 1,2,3,4,5.
- sports: exercise1,3.
-likes and dislikes: 3,4.
-capital letters: 2,4,5.
Any time left, here you have some more activities

Present simple: 1, 2
Wh questions: 1( do the two exercises . Copy at least two questions and answers of each one)
Vocabulary: 1, 2, 3.
Enjoy the session.