- Weather vocabulary: 1 (listen to the weather predictions and follow the right steps in the game), 2, 3, 4 ( copy in your little notebook the weather words and the seasons with the translation into Spanish or Catalan. Do the first two activities there), 5
- Nationalities: 1, 2 (watch the videos and copy 5 countries and nationalities that are present in the videos), 3
- present continuous: 1 ( click on the persons in this Demo and answer these questions in your little notebook: 1. What is Zeferi doing? 2. What is Tom doing? 3. What are Michaela and Wendy doing? 4. What is Ms. Whitfield doing? 5. What is Aunt Polly doing?. Do it in your little notebook )
- 2 ( choose the right verb for each sentence)
- 3 (do all the activities about present continuous)
Aprofiteu bé la sessió i demaneu els dubtes a la professora. La propera setmana començarem a fer els examens orals durant aquesta hora i durant dues setmanes per tal de poder fer-los a tothom.
Atenció: aquesta propera setmana començarem amb el llibre de lectura. Farem una part a classe i una part a casa. Esteu atents!